Chapter Ten

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In the morning I woke up to yelling and the sound of punches being thrown. I shot up in the bed to find Damon gone. I grabbed my crutches quickly and made my way into the living room.

Damon stood in front of a pair of guys. One guy was beat up badly while the other was still throwing punches. I made my way over to them before seeing who the guy getting beat up was. It was my cousin, Tim. I screamed. 

"Get off him!" I yelled. I was ignored by everyone but Charlie. Charlie moved forward to haul the guy off Tim. 

"Charlie do not pull Mark away or you will be sorry," Damon said in a cold voice.

I looked at my boyfriend. He wore a dark grey button-up and black jeans. A gun was resting in the back of his pants. I needed to break up this fight and soon or else Timothy would get hurt. I didn't have a gun so I reached over and pulled out his gun. He spun towards me but by then I had the gun trained on Mark. 

"Get off my cousin now or I will put a bullet through your arm," I growled. Mark backed off quickly. I could feel Damon glaring at me. 

"Sophia what are you doing?" Damon asked loudly. I rolled my eyes. "This guy was in the Bluejackets gang!"

"He is also my cousin and if he has the guts to come here I want to know why. I also want to know who else knows where I am so back off Damon!"

"You will not speak to me that way!" he roared. 

"I just did! Don't try to intimidate me Damon! I had enough of this crap with my father and I'm tired of it! So just shut your fat mouth up!" I yelled. The whole room went silent. Damon glared at me before going to his room and slamming the door. 

"Hey cousin. Glad to see you still have that fiery temper," Tim said. He stood up. I noted the black eye and bleeding. Mark had gotten a few good swings in. 

"Tim shut up. Now why are you here?" I replied. He smiled and sat down on the couch. "Charlie get some ice please."

"Your brother kicked me out," he replied. I cringed at the word brother. That dirt bag was not my brother. 

"You don't just get out. You either leave in a body bag or with a brand," I said. 

"Oh believe me I know. They branded my back and let me tell you it hurts so much. Don't do it." 

"Let me see the brand. Now," I commanded. He stood up and pulled off his shirt. There was no brand on his back at all. 

Charlie dove for him at the same time Tim pulled out his gun. I heard two gun shots. I frowned as I tried to figure out who had been hit. Soon my unasked question was answered when Tim hit the ground. I turned to see Damon holding the gun. 

I covered my eyes as blood poured onto the floor. I could hear Tim coughing as the life drained out of him. When I opened my eyes there was a huge puddle of blood and my cousin with a hole in his leg and a hole in his chest on the floor. Someone brought out a large plastic bag. I watched as they put my cousin into it before putting him into a large trunk. My eyes followed the movements as they locked the trunk and began to clean up the blood. 

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