Ch. 15: Practicing Potions

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Ch. 15: Practicing Potions

Chapter Song: Take a Walk by Passion Pit

[10-Y A/N: according to the analytics, this will take you 3 minutes to read. ready? and.... go!]

     Lana, Jenna and I split up from the group and began to walk towards the dungeons, with unsure but patient steps. I held our Castle Map out in front of us and tried to pretend as if I knew exactly where everything was.

      "Who do we share Advanced Potions with again, Elle?" Lana shuffled her books to her other hand, she was carrying all three of them since she refused to buy a backpack. 'They are unnecessary, stupid', Lana'd told me that when I questioned her about it; who's laughing now?

      I tapped my finger to my chin, melodramatically thinking back to what my sister had told me at breakfast, with a malicious glint in her eye. "Slytherin, apparently. The ones who are dressed in green and silver, I think." I shrugged and pulled my hair over my shoulder, feeling the tight curls loosen as I nervously pulled at them. "Hermione said we're in for a 'real treat'."

     "Well, if you think about it," Jenna mentioned as we turned a stone corridor, "that annoying girl you just slammed against the wall was wearing green and silver." A gust of cool, damp air wafted through the stone wall halls, smelling slightly of deep earth and water. We must be close to the dungeons. "And, the boy who kept giving you dirty looks in Defense Against the Dark Arts was wearing them as well -- you know, the blond one?" She shrugged and I rolled my eyes.

      I actually hadn't noticed he was shooting me dirty looks. I arched a brow at Jenna, wondering why she had been fixated on him, but I was sure I didn't want to ask.

      "Oh, that kid. His name is Draco. Ignore him, he's a total prick. I don't even feel bad for giving him a black eye."

      Lana just shook her head at me with a grin and Jenna gasped sarcastically. "You hit someone when I wasn't even here to see it?! How dare you!" Her voice reverberated off the corridor walls, giving the dark and gloomy space a little more humorous feeling.

     We caught up with a few, fellow Gryffindors and I knew we were headed in the right direction. The excited Beginning of the Year chattering was familiar, just like how it would've been at Sorcellerie. And, just for the briefest moment, I was .... sorta homesick. I thought back to all my old friends in America. I wondered if they thought I'd fallen off the face of the Earth or something.

     That weed of disappointment was crushed by a sharp elbow to the side and Lana's withering red brow. "Hey, Street Fighter, we going in?"

     I grinned as we walked through the wooden castle door to the Potions class. Lanterns fixed midair by charms lined the sullen classroom, casting an orange, flickering glow on the students ready to kick off the new academic calendar. "How about this," I told them, adjusting the book bag over my shoulder, "next time I'm about to sock someone in the face, I'll let ya know."

      "Promise?" Jenna asked, placing her hands on her hips and making me swear. Satisfied with my answer, she chose a desk in the middle of the class.

     Since Moody had let us all leave early, the class was practically empty, excluding a couple of older Gryffindors that kept to the back, so the three of us got our choice of seats. However, the desks were positioned to only fit two people per desk. Lana and I looked at each other at the same time before quickly bolting to claim the seat next to Jenna, not wanting to sit by ourselves.

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