You have a little SISTER!?

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I collect my money and put it into my duffle bag,

"Thank you sir." I thank the banker.

"But miss you still have money leftover?"

"Actually can you put the rest into these two accounts?" I handed him a slip of paper with my account and my 'Save for College' account, what Onee-chan likes to call it that she forced me to get. I don't see why I need it, I mean im not going to college. I already make a living with the work I already do, so it's just a waste of time and money.

"Yes, I can do that for you."

"Thank you."

"No problem, but can I ask a question? If you don't mind."

I look at him and smile, "Sure I don't mind at all."

"How does one as young as you have this much money?" He put my slip of paper on the desktop

I giggled, "That my friend is a secret." I smile at him and grabbed the paper, "but if must know I guess you can say I do odd jobs."

I left the bank to head to my new house with my new siblings, on the way there I took my time getting there to take a good look around. I try to call Onee-chan but she didn't answer so I left a voicemail,

"Hey Onee-chan its Alice, I back and im on my way call me when you get this message."

I took a little detour and explored a open market, I was getting a little hungry and needed some new clothes since my old ones got ruined and they kinda, maybe a lot, stand out. I look at my outfit,

I was wearing black shirt with one long-sleeve (on the left) and one short-sleeve (on the right). A white unzip short-sleeve jacket. A black plaid skirt with two ruff tail on each side (also black and doesn't connect in the back). My belt is the main reason I needed to change my clothes, it was white with two white circles that glowed yellow on each side, and black finger-less gloves. I let my long white hair down and hide my crystal necklace in my black shirt.

I walk around looking for a food stand, and 10 minutes later I find a café promoting (for new customers and employees) by selling crepes. I buy a strawberry and cream crepe for me and a chocolate crepe for Onee-chan (which sadly I ate). They gave me flyer for the café down the street from the open market, I shove it into my duffel bag maybe she would want a job.

Looking around again I stopped at some stands here and there until I finally found a cute little clothes stand feeling like a kid in a candy store, I rushed in.

"Wow, these are all so pretty." I gawk at all the racks of beautiful clothing.

"Why thank you, young lady."

I turn around to see an old man behind the counter, smiling a kind smile,
"They're all homemade."

"Wow they're so beautiful. Did you make them all by yourself?"

He chuckled, "No, my dear, my wife and daughter made them. I just sell them."

"Well they did an amazing job," I touch a red, white and black dress in my size [wears it later on], "they're wonderful."

"I'll tell them you said that."

I smile and look threw the racks of beautiful clothing.
I set my bag down and grabbed the dress I was touching and I few other dresses [will see later on], I look at the shirts I was struck at these two shirts.

'Which one should I buy? Ummmm I need a second opinion, maybe Onee-chan can help me?'

I took a picture of both shirts and sent them to her. Then I realized I haven't heard from her for a long time. I look at the clock on my phone, it's been almost a hour and a half.

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