Chapter Twelve: Opal's Story

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 The night I was going to post this I got into a motorcycle accident. Ugh, I'm okay... my bike... not so much. Long story short, I was leaning into a curve at night when a coyote jumped out in front of me forcing me to swerve and my bike slid out under me. If I hit the animal, my accident would have been a lot more worse. Body sure is sore though.

 Hey guys!!!!! So the new update is here!!!! Im excited for this one, I just love how things are coming together (:

Emmet's POV

May 12th

We are all gathered in the throne room which is now almost fully repaired thanks to the hard working mermen, working almost day and night. I am behind my sister, Aurora, who is holding my hand tightly in hers. I don't try to remove my hand from hers. I understand her tenseness for I too, am tense. We are off to the side, behind the throne, waiting for the Elder to arrive. 

My mother is seated in her usual spot, the Queen's throne, with her head held high and her beautiful hair swirled on top around her crown that she never seems to wear anymore. She's more of a mother these days rather than a queen, a blessing for us but to the kingdom her absence hasn't gone unnoticed. Although she looks high and mighty seated in her throne, I know in my heart that she is terrified. In the days that Opal has been home, she has gained more wrinkles around her youthful eyes from the stressful return of our sister.  

Also gathered in the throne room are all the members of the counsel, royal mermaids and merman ready to hear Opal's story for the first time. Also ready to listen to the Elder's ruling. The Elder has the power to expel Opal from our clan or even worse, the power to end her life if she so decides that Opal has too much of the Darkness inside her. 

Finally the great doors open, causing Aurora to flinch and I give her hand a gentle squeeze of reassurance but it goes unnoticed. Her eyes are locked on our sister. Our poor sister, struggling to swim forward to the still empty throne with her hands bound followed by two members of the royal guard. Aurora starts to cry at the sight of her. Being treated like she was nothing. Someone evil. I know she is not evil. We all know it! 

When she finally reaches the front of the room she is jerked down onto a bed of seaweed, forced to be seated. Aurora becomes angry at this, "You dare treat her as she is not the princess? I do hope you have not forgotten your place for she still is a royal." She snarls at the guard who immediately bows his head.

Before I could say anything to quiet my sister, the doors open once again and the Elder finally arrives. Her immense power never goes unnoticed and she always seems to glow with it. Her black hair is flowing freely behind her, not decorated with any jewels or pearls. She's followed by her mate who always seems to stay quiet but he too has power that is unmatched by anyone in the room. Despite the fact he was originally a human his power shines. Everyone's eyes are on them as she takes her seat on the throne. 

Opals eyes are down, not wanting to meet the eyes of anyone in the room. Shes deeply ashamed and she knows what she did was wrong but today's gathering is not about that. It's about what shes seen when she was gone and its about the Elder's decision if Opal is in fact lost to us or not.

After a few moments of silence, she finally speaks, her voice gentle and soft. Motherly. "My dear child. Princess Opal. Although you do not show it, I sense that you are deeply frightened about what is going to happen today. I am here to tell you have nothing to be afraid of. What I sense more than your fear is your sorrow. Your pain. Your guilt screams louder than anything I have ever heard before." She pauses as members of the counsel grumpily murmur, while others sigh a breath of relief. Aurora next to me gasps in shock and happiness. My mother's face remains emotionless, as a true queen shows restraint to any emotion in troubling times. 

"However, despite your fear and guilt you must tell us what happened dear child. I understand you lost your mate to a hunt, the last known hunt your father ordered." She continues.

Opal finally looks up with fresh tears in her eyes. "Yes, yes I lost him in a hunt. I-... that was the moment where I must have..." Her voice trails off.

"It's quite alright. Please, just try and tell us what you remember." She assures Opal. 

Opal nods her head slowly, her eyes grow distant as she starts to remember. Her shoulders shake and tears fall freely from her eyes. "She never left. She has always been here. Watching. Growing in power and in numbers. The merpeople who have gone missing, the merpeople that we thought were lost by humans... they weren't taken by the humans."

The Elder leans forward, "What do you mean? What are you saying?"

Opal voice shakes, "The Dark Queen. She's still here! You don't understand! Her powers from when she claimed the throne has grown immensely. She has an army of thousands. Merpeople who were taken, her followers who still support her to this day, flanked with the support of the Shark King. She kills anyone who doesn't support her so many have no choice but in the end... they end up being consumed by it anyways."

Everyone goes wild, screaming that Opal is insane while others yell for war. Many are afraid. "Silence!" The Elder commands and all at once everyone goes quiet. "Is this true?"

"Yes." She chokes out. "Yes, I'm afraid its true."

The Elder takes in a deep breath, then asks, "Is there anything else? Anything at all?" 

"Yes, yes there is one more thing." Opal glances past her and locks her eyes onto mine. "She's obsessed with the prophecy. Obsessed with it! If she takes her... then we are doomed. Please, please tell me she is safe!"

"Whose safe?"

Opal becomes angry at this. "You dare ask me who is safe!? Your daughter!! Your own daughter. The prophecy lives with in her!"

The Elder's face grows grim then demands, "We must go at once. We must take back my daughter."

BOOM! This the update! Done! <3

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