Chapter 48

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Dear Sophia,

I know that you are mad at me and I can't change that, but I'm hoping that you might be able to understand why I did what I did. Tonight is my coronation and I've been informed that I may not survive it, if that is the case then I couldn't die without telling you everything that I forgot to say to you in person. . .

When I finish it, I read over the letter many times, wiping tears from my cheeks. I don't think I've ever said anything truer and that hits hard. I fold the paper into an envelope and I cast a spell that will send it to Sophia's bedroom. I don't know if it will work, the shield will probably incinerate the magic on impact, but it's better than nothing.

I glance at the window and I sigh at the darkening sky. I wish I could just stay in this room, wrapped up in my comfortable duvet and sleep away everything that's coming for me. I'm scared of so many things. I'm scared of facing the ancestors, but I'm even more terrified of facing my family. Seeing my mother again? What do I say to her? She lied to me my whole life; do I pretend to be happy with her?

I lay down on the bed and I allow myself to cry. I have to get out everything, every small hurt that is consuming my heart. Once I open it up, the pain is endless. It cuts from all angles, slicing and slashing its way through every memory I've ever made. When the last piece of my soul is done tearing itself apart, I take a deep breath and I dry my eyes.

I'm ready.

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