Chapter 12. Lies and Makeouts

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I looked around me seeing that everyone stopped what they had been doing and looked over to the scene.

"EVERYONE OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Screamed who seemed to be Carson's dad.

Everyone just looked at each other , standing frozen in place.

"GET OUT BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE!!" He yelled once more.

Once he yelled that everyone ran to the nearest exit.  Jacob stood up from the couch to leave but before he could make a run for it he was gripped by the collar from Carson's father.

"My son is not a fag. Understood?"

Jacob gulped and nodded yes quickly.  Once released from his death grip  we all took off running. Me , Jacob, Megan, and even Amy ran outside as fast as she could. It wasn't long till we got to my car. Amy looked at me and tilting her head a little. "Can you give me a ride home?"

I mean I could... but is being more than two feet within Amy a good idea? After all she was my ex and Jacob hated her. I sighed "I don't know Amy...."

She nodded insecurely "i understand." She started to walk off. Right away I felt bad , she might've done me wrong but, I wanted to be the bigger person.

"On second thought, yeah come on !" I yelled to her.

She looked back shaking her head "No it's fine I'll find a ride from someone else."

"And end up getting driven by drunk horny teenage guys? No way! You're safe with us, come on!"  I said opening the back seat of my car that already sat Jacob.  She  smiled lightly and walked over , I whispered to Jacob quiet enough so no one else could hear. "Behave, no name calling or arguing."

He gave me a death stare " You treat me like I'm a five year old..."

I nodded in agreement "That's cause you act like you are. Just one that has  a tendency to curse and smoke  a lot of weed." Leaving it at that I  walked around the car and took my spot in the the driver's seat.

~~The ride  was quiet , I pulled into Amy's drive way . Her house was your stereotypical suburban ,white picket fence, nice house.

"Thank you so much for the ride." She said hopping out of the car.  She walked around my car to face me through my rolled down window. She leaned and whispered in my ear " Maybe next time you can give me  a ride to your house.."

Before I could respond she walked off confidently to her front door, and walked into her house. Megan turned to me "What the fuck was that ." She laughed.

I shook my head."I honestly have no idea."

She laughed again " 'Maybe next time you can give me a ride to your  house' insert 80s porno  music , like will I be filming this porn or not?" Megan mocked.

I smiled "I'd rather you star in it instead," I winked playfully. I wasn't completely joking. I think you catch my drift. I would never make a porno or be in one, but if I did I don't think I could stand seeing Megan as the camera man.

She blushed looking down at her lap , smiling showing off her white teeth and dimples. Wow, she was beautiful.
Oh god I did not just think that. We're just friends,we've only slept together once. Beside I haven't even met her parents.

"Oh my god guys, you know I'm back here too right." Jacob said interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes Jacob, how could I forget." I said keeping my eyes on the road, heading toward my house out of habit. "You guys wanna spend the night?" I asked turning onto the street me and Megan both lived on. Very convenient.

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