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Issa POV
I woke up in my bed. I sat up and looked around. No school today. I mentally partied in my head. What happened last night? I couldn't remember anything. I got out of bed slowly and opened the door.
I walked to the kitchen and made myself some toast.
Where is Rickey?!?
I was so confused.

It was now 11:36 AM and I was watching TV. I got a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door.
It was my mom.
"Hi mom!" I smiled.
"Issa I need to talk to you" she said.
"About?" I asked as I let her in.
"Were moving back to Florida." She said.
"WHAT?!?" I screamed.
"Go pack all of your things." She pointed to my room.
I scoffed and walked back to my room.

I had all my things packed and I asked my mom if I could say bye to all my friends.
I went to Rickeys place first.

"Rickey!" I knocked on the door.
He opened it and asked me what's up.
"I'm moving. If Marley asked where I went, tell her I ran away or something. Okay?"
He nodded and gave me a big hug.
I was about to leave until he grabbed my wrist.
I turned back to him (A/N dramatic zoom to Rickey's face) and he looked at me.
"Wait Issa" he said.
I waited for him to speak.
"Since like last week... Well *he coughs nervously* I thought you were, pretty cute and I like you." He said as he looked up at me.
My jaw dropped and I didn't know what to say.
"Look Rickey I really gotta go but I've got your number and I'll message you I pro-" I got cut off.
Not by his voice. But by his lips.
I didn't kiss back since I was so shocked.
Why did he do that?!?
I pushed him away, lightly, smiled and walked away.
What just happened?

I went back home and there was a moving truck and everything.
My mom was in the car with my dad and my sister. I sat down next to her and plugged in my earphones.

We got to Florida and it was burning hot.
I had my new room, all nice and unpacked.
The wifi worked and everything.
It was just like before, except... School.
My mom told me I had a new school now. Which made me amazingly happy because the last one was very very bad. I went on my phone and checked vine.
Say what?!?
When did this happen and HOW?!?
I immediately messaged Rickey.
Rickey: what boo?
Rickey: CONGRATS DHSJSJJ *pats on back*
I laughed and closed my phone.

Today, was my first day. At my new school. It terrified me and I didn't know if I'd survive there.
I got dressed, put some dark grey skinny jeans and a black shirt. As my eyes scanned the mirror, I realized I look hot.
I put my hair in my usual style and took my llama bag.
Let's do this.

The school was HUGE! There were many students and most of them looked at me.
I walked quickly to the office and went to get my schedule.
"Hello! You are?" The lady asked.
"Issa Tweimeh" I answered.
"Here you go hun" she gave me a paper and a lock.
I thanked her and swam through the hallways of people.
I saw a boy with his hair long to his shoulders. He smiled at me and my heart beat faster.
Damn he looks like a celebrity.
I finally found my locker and put my books in it.
Then I walked around school, I still had a few minutes before the bell rang.
I walked around and took quick glances into the classrooms.
This school was huge!

The bell rang and I quickly walked to my first class, which was English.
I sat down at a desk in the middle of the class room and the guy I saw earlier-the one with the long hair-sat at the desk beside me.
He smiled and waved.
I awkwardly smiled back, to be polite.
He was pretty cute.
I watched him. His hair was a dark brown, and he had nice hazel eyes.
He was wearing tight skinny jeans and a long tie-dye shirt. He also wore white vans.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"I-Issa" I stuttered.
"Call me Jay." He held out his hand.
I took his hand and shook it.
"Would you like to hang out at lunch?" He asked.
I nodded and smiled.

Third person POV
That day, Issa and Jay hung out.

His first week went well for him

(I guess this is the end of the book.. I don't know how to end it guys, but if you read it to the end, thank you for taking time to read my horrible book, have a great day((: )

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