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Issa POV
I woke up to a loud beeping beside me. My hair was still wet from the water and my skin was humid. I couldn't remember anything else but falling.
I thought and thought but nothing ever came up.
I heard a soft knock on the door, I looked to the right.
A very pretty girl with brown hair and green eyes walked in.
"Issa?" She asked.
"Who's Issa, who are you?" I asked the girl.
"You... don't remember me?" She looked hurt.
I shook my head.
"Oh" she sighed.
"I-I'm Marley, You're Issa. You're 17 in 2 months and you are pretty famous on the internet." She explained.
I nodded.
"So, I'm Issa? Like that's. My name?" I asked.
She nodded as a tear went down her cheek.
"Why did I jump into the water?" I asked.
"I...don't know.." she said as she looked down.
"And who are you? Like my friend or..." I asked.
"I'm your..." she thought for a bit.
"I'm your girlfriend." She said.

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