You're THEE Jack Gilinsky|31*

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Issa POV
I looked at the guy with the jawline. I felt like if he was trying to hurt me with his mind because he was staring so much. Am I THAT attractive?
A dark skinned boy came up to me and sat down on my left side.
"Hey Issa" he said.
"Hi I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked and frowned.
"You don't remember me? I'm Rickey, your like.. best friend" he said.
I face palmed myself.
"The doctors said I have ehmnysya" I said.
"It's called AMNESIA boo, and that's okay that's okay" he said and patted my back.
"So, you keep looking to your right, who you lookin at" he said.
"That guy with the sharp jawline and the scary eyes" I whispered.
"Who is he" I asked.
"That's Jack Gilinsky, stay away from him, he hurt you and you hated him" Rickey explained.
I nodded.
The Jack Gilinsky got up and walked up to me. He slammed his hand on the desk.
I avoided eye contact and looked at my hands.
"HEY YOU" he screamed.
"WHAT THE FXCK DO YOU WANT" I screamed as I got up and stared in his eyes deeply.
(A/N Plot Twist: Jack grabbed issa's face and kissed him hard. Then threw up on him. Omg no. Continue reading lol)
Jack pushed my chest and I almost fell back but Rickey caught me.
"Excuse me?" Jack said.
"Oh sorry, I thought you didn't hear me; UHUM. WHAT THE FXCK DOES THE BIGGEST ASSHOLE WANT?" I screamed as I pushed his chest so hard he fell and went back to his seat.
I sit back in my chair and sat like a queen who just got her crown.
No one fucks with this bad ass bitch.
I smiled at Jack who looked terrified.
I blew him a kiss and went on my phone.

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