No Time For Haters|6*

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Issa POV
After my second class, I was walking peacefully in the hallway until I feel someone grab my arm and push me.
My right arm hits the light green hard metal locker.
I slowly look up to see some jocks. I feel anger burn inside of me. I was so mad. But I didn't want any more drama going on.
At lunch I slowly walked to my locker and grabbed my lunch.
I walked into the cafeteria and looked for Ricky. I finally found his table and sat down.
I start eating my lunch and talk with Ricky. I learned that he is my age and that he's really funny and popular. He was so cool. We are like best friends now.
I got up and went to go get my books since we only had 5 minutes of lunch left.
I got my books and closed my locker.
"Haha nerd" one of the jocks said.
I pretend to wipe dust off my shoulder and walk past them.
"He's so gay" I hear them say behind my back. I look at them and do the middle finger. I then smile.

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