Chapter 13 {Willingness Reading}

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hey guys. ok so its short. im sorry. just owe you guys an update

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tragicallyloved xx :)


Chapter 13

Willingness Reading

As we pulled in the drive, I was almost jumping out of the car before we had stopped. I raced through the house shouting out Richard.

He came out of a door down the hallway under the stairs looking worried, “Milly what’s happened?”

“Nothing. But tomorrow… Tomorrow is the reading of all 5 wills. Not that James will have a will. But you never know. If he hung himself he may have written something before he died.” I said almost out of breath.

Dan came in the door looking confused, and it looked really cute on him. Stop it Milly. You cannot fall for him. He will be your teacher for gods’ sake. Pull yourself together. I guess my little voice sometimes was right. I couldn’t fall for him, especially considering he would be teaching my chemistry class. We had had a sub ever since the old professor had retired and taken up a hobby of golf and fishing. Two things I swore to never even attempt, except miniature golf. That was fun, especially with friends. The sub had had no idea what she was doing, while the school was frantically looking for a replacement. And had had no luck for a whole two months, granted two weeks of those two months were school holidays, it didn’t change the fact that we had had a sub, who had no idea what on earth she was teaching let alone help us understand, in year 11.

Year 11. It made my stomach churn. I didn’t really want the added bonus of all the problems of this year. Maybe it would be better if I just left. Stop it! You can’t think like that. You have to care for Emily. Darn it. Why did the little voice in my head have to be right, once again?

“Calm down Mills. It will be ok. This will be a difficult situation as I don’t think any of them would have ever predicted this situation.” He said pulling me into a giant hug.

It felt fatherly, like something I had never experienced.

I didn’t really take notice of anything else that day. I saw down and watched a lot of movies. I was thankful that it was a Sunday and I didn’t have any homework. I would have a lot of work to catch up on, but I knew I could do it.

After we got home I changed into my sweats and a tank top. I wrapped a blanket around me and rested my head on Dan’s lap. Occasionally Ellie would come in and sit in the arm chair, or Emily and Lucas would watch a movie but end up falling asleep.

I could tell we were all exhausted, none of us really had a bounce in our step or the energy to try and do any work. The only one of us who had gone to work was Richard as he was the town’s only lawyer. And he would also be reading the wills tomorrow. I didn’t want to think about that. I was so scared and nervous. I didn’t want to know what they read, but I wanted to move past this stage and start anew.

I decided to go to bed early that night. I must have subconsciously walked into the guest room and gone to sleep, because next thing I knew it was morning. I slept peacefully that night, but I woke up with my horrible nightmare bed hair, which meant I had been tossing a bit.

I opened my eyes and saw that Daniel was lying next to me; as if all he had to do was open his eyes and he would be able to stare at me all day.  

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