Sneak Peek

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I feel slightly better. Idk when I'm going to finish this. But it will be soon because I feel like I'm slowly getting my groove back lol. But here's a sneak tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny sneak peek into the next chapter. Just because I feel slightly bad. Here ya go.


"I-I don't get you." She said softly breaking our gaze.

"What don't you get mami."

"You're so hard to figure out. You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever saw but they're so cold and hard and hold no emotion. My mama always used to tell me that you can always get to know someone and what they're about by staring into their eyes.... And staring into yours i get nothing." We locked eyes again, and I couldn't seem to break the gaze this time. I didn't even attempt to.

"What do you see?"

"Behind a wall is a beautiful garden of paintings. Paintings that resemble peace and tranquility and the goodness of the heart. But in front of it is a plain wall. A gate more so, A gate so no one could get to and damage the masterpiece behind it. How can you damage something that you don't even know exists? You can't. That's what your eyes are. A guardian, a protectant, to shield others from the masterpiece inside of you. You can't hurt a heart you're not even sure exists."


Idek where that came from, But it is ALL ORIGINAL... I came up with it, and its a great ass analogy that hit me out of nowhere. I feel like you guys will enjoy the next update, But who Knows.

Anyways, I'm going to finish writing or at least try, eat my pop tart and read this book i just discovered c; Good Night Honey's. 

Sorry if I upset you with the teaser >:)

- B.A.B AKA Bipolar Ass Bri

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