Chapter 13: Can't Fight This Feeling,

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The band was in full practice mode. The garage was bigger than a normal garage, and that was because Seth Sebastian's parents had decided to expand it to fit his father's many building projects. Sometimes he would go a long while without picking up a hammer, and Seth would use that time to help his own musical purpose. For the past two months, the band had been lucky enough to be able to use the space for practice. It was just the right size for all the proper gear.

They used to take refuge in Kiran's garage, but due to his mom's need to start a sewing class, it had become too crowded with all that related junk. 

A guy named Marcus was sitting behind a large desk, priding himself in being the band's manager, and giving orders and advice whenever the music stopped. He was Seth's cousin, and while he had managed to book them a few gigs, the other guys found him highly irritating. Like that annoying kid in class who had to answer all the questions, correct the teacher, and complain if he received any mark lower than a hundred percent. Just like that, except in a different setting. They put up with him for his sometimes useful connections, and for Seth's sake. 

Kiran was the only one off his game that night. He couldn't think straight. He kept running his conversation with Leigh in his mind. What kind of guy corners a girl's best friend, pressing her to answer some lame 'does she like me' question? He was supposed to be playing lead guitar, adding some backing vocals, but instead he was just strumming along clumsily, like he had stumbled in there by accident.

"Kiran, dude, you're killing us. What's going on?" Seth asked as the band stopped playing. Kiran had missed a riff and hadn't bothered with the chorus at all. 

"Hey, hey, did I say you can stop?" Marcus hissed from behind his precious desk. "Start over, and Jones, try to stay with us this time."

"Marcus, relax. Let's take a break," Seth said as he rose from his seat behind his drum set. The other three guys stepped away as well, prompting Marcus to start a trail of complaints, which they all ignored. They walked towards a small fridge and helped themselves to some beer. 

Kiran walked to the opposite end and plopped down on a small, beaten couch. He was now the definition of brooding, misunderstood amateur rockstar. When had he become this way? He used to be so lively, always doing ludicrous impressions, participating in senseless dares, and being generally laid back and ready for hilarity. He wasn't supposed to be this quiet, boring guy who sat around obsessing over a girl.

"So tell me, who's the babe that's got you all serious?" Seth asked as he plopped down next to Kiran.  "Is it that leggy chick from that party? The exotic one? She was hot!"

Seth, in all his articulate and un-misogynistic glory, was talking about Tala Ansari. "No, not her. Don't guess, please."

"Come on. Just tell me who the lucky girl is. I gotta thank her personally for the crap you've been playing up lately."

"Fine, but keep it to yourself, okay?" Telling Seth wouldn't be so bad. He was somewhat of an idiot, but he had never spilled a secret of anyone's. 

"I cross my heart and hope to fall head-first into a pit of screaming Justin Bieber fans."

"Right, well, it's Carter."

Seth was silent. He stared at Kiran with his mouth half-open, looking as if he had just seen something strange, like a fur-less cat or a monkey smoking a cigarette. "Are you serious? Dude... aren't you, like, in the friend zone with her?"

"What does that even mean, friend zone? Since when is starting a relationship based off a friendship a bad thing?"

"Since forever. If you're friends with a girl first, for years, she'll have... expectations. It'll be super awkward, like all the things you used to like about each other become the things you start to hate."

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