Chapter 29: Last To Know

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If all the songs about teenagers were to play right now, they'd describe Carter's life completely. Even in their jumbled words, they made sense. They outlined her laughable situation perfectly. Like they were all written specifically to predict a moment in every teenager's life. It became so unbearably obvious that she couldn't take a step without the beat of such a song playing in her mind.

Newton at night wasn't a very dangerous place. It was a snug, too-quiet neighborhood that barely ever appeared on the news for anything. Still, Carter didn't feel right, like the whole aspect of it symbolized something worse. Kiran's house wasn't too far from hers, but the distance seemed to stretch on for miles and miles. Miles of lies and anxiety and stupid drama. The closer they got to Kiran's house, the more nervous she got. She was awful at confronting people. How was she even going to look him in the eyes without cowering away like an idiot and crying?

This wasn't the girl she used to be - caught up in head games and nervous romances, mixed in with the wrong-ish crowd at school and at the mercy of cruel taunts and jarring sneers. She used to be more concerned with school projects, where she was going to go for summer vacation, and the release date of the next movie in a franchise.

"I'll disappear when we get there. Please promise me you won't break up with him over this?" Leigh begged, armed linked with Carter's as they continued on.

The absolute truth was that she didn't want to break up with Kiran. The way he made her feel, the crazy butterflies that flapped their enormous wings in her stomach whenever he kissed her - she didn't want to give any of it up. But how do you get over the fact that the guy you're in love with has lied to you? And not just any lie, but a lie that involved a girl you hated with a seething passion?

"There's his house. Hear him out before you say anything, okay? Call me as soon as you get home," Leigh said. She then gave Carter a smile, a small hug, and then walked off. Carter watched her disappear around a street corner, dejected, like she was watching her own confidence walk away.

I should turn around and go home. Sleep on it. Give it a few days. As she considered her options, she found herself getting closer to the house, as if some magical force was pulling her forward. What if they're sleeping? Don't be stupid, it's only nine o'clock. But some people go to bed at nine. Like nuns and babies.

She didn't ring the doorbell, just in case. One knock. Two knocks. Three knocks. No answer. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, a little relieved that he wasn't home. That gave her another night to sort out her emotions. Another night to calm down and have everything sink in. Though as she turned, the door swung up.

Kiran looked strangely out-of-it, unkempt, not like his cool, hipster self. He leaned against the door-frame and gave her a quick, weak half-smile. "Hey."

"Hey, listen, I'm sorry I didn't answer you calls."

"It's fine."

"I got so caught up in all that stupid shit. I'm really sorry."

"I told you, it's fine." He didn't sound fine. In fact, he sounded strained, distant. Was it because of the way Carter had reacted to everything, or was it something else entirely? He looked away for a moment, his eyes focusing on nothing in particular. If only his mind was a book, so she could open it and read it whenever she wanted. If only she was a wizard and she could use a spell to invade his thoughts. Something didn't seem quite right.

"Can I come in?"

Kiran stepped aside, "Are you hungry? I can order some pizza or something."

"No. I had some dinner earlier. Aren't your parents home?" They walked into the living room, and she was suddenly aware that they were completely alone again.

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