Chapter 16: Runaway Train,

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They may as well have been kissing for an hour, because when they broke apart, they were both somewhat breathless. His face was still so close that she could almost count how many eyelashes he had, and the smoothness of his skin suddenly reminded her of the most delicious caramel. No, stop. What the hell are you thinking? What's wrong with you? A normal person doesn't compare someone's skin to food. 

Somehow the buttons of his shirt had become undone. Had she done it, or had he? She couldn't remember. In the haze of it all, it didn't really matter anyway. She ran her hand against his skin, all the while letting the feel of him fill her with an exhilarating tingle, and a trace of anxiety, because really, such a thing would've seemed completely ridiculous to her two months ago.

When he kissed her again, it was with a frenzied, sultry spirit, like he knew now that she wanted it just as much as he did.

Though she couldn't let it go on, could she? Not right now. Not this way. Not while she was still with Aiden Ryerson, still stuck in a flash of guilt over what this would do to Leigh. She pulled away from the kiss, though still held on to him, afraid that if she let go, he would disappear around some psychotic, dramatic corner. His eyes were on hers, but she couldn't tell what he was thinking; if he was disappointed, or curious, or even a little angry. How could she explain it to all to him without sounding horribly fickle?

Before she was able to say a word, the doorbell rang. The sound of it blared through her mind like a bad song, and it snapped her back to some form of emotional stability.

She stepped around Kiran without waiting to consider his reaction, headed straight out of the kitchen, and rushed towards the front door without turning around to see if he was following her.

Her clothes were a bit disheveled, and her hair had turned into an unfortunate looking nest. She straightened up as best as she could and swung the door open, a little thankful for the interruption. Had such a break not happened, she wasn't sure where it would've ended, though she was certain it would've involved zero clothing and probably a horizontal surface of some sort.

Though suddenly she felt like she was standing in a pit of quicksand, for there was Leigh, her eyes horribly puffy, and the rest of her looking equally sad.

"Is it true?" Leigh said, her voice shaking.

"Is what true?" No. No. No. This is not happening.

"Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."

Carter had never heard Leigh sound so forceful, and it scared her. What was she supposed to do now? How was she going to explain herself? It didn't help that Kiran Jones was in her kitchen, nearly shirtless, probably waiting for her to come back so they can continue their little kissing match. Would it be smart of her to play dumb? Or would that be too unethical, too cruel at this point?

"I really have no idea what's going on," Carter said, though she knew she came across as disgustingly suspicious.

"We're supposed to be best friends. We're supposed to tell each other everything. But you've been lying to me all this time. How could you do that with Kiran when you know how I feel about him? How could you do that to me?"

"What did I do with Kiran? Who have you been talking to?" Carter wasn't exactly sure why she was continuing her little charade, but some part of her wasn't ready for the reality of it to be brought to light.

"Ashton Rhodes. I didn't want to believe her, but then I asked Tala about it, and she just stood there looking at me like I'm some naive kid. I'm not stupid, Carter. Tell me the truth. What's going on between you and Kiran?"

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