Chapter 18: Everybody's Got A Story,

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How was Carter supposed to respond to that? She stared at Kiran, searching his eyes for something, maybe a trace of nonsense, or a drop of indecision. Like perhaps he wasn't serious with his no-friendship comment. Like he was joking around, like he used to. Was he trying to rip her heart out? Probably. Why else would he look at her like that, with those penetrating eyes of his?

Before she could say anything, or he could make things even more uneasy between them, the Physics teacher walked in and demanded silence. So for the next thirty minutes, they were pushed into a tedious textbook lesson, which gave Carter the time to figure out her next move.

Would it be so terrible if she let it happen?

Leigh was already mad at her. According to Tala, everyone already believed something was going on. So why not feed to the flame? Give them all exactly what they wanted? Besides, she wasn't sure how long she could keep up her little charade of pretending that Kiran meant nothing to her.

"Can you... give me a little time?" she whispered, bringing herself a little closer to him. There was no telling what time would do. If it would help or hinder their position. If it would calm her restless spirit, or make her more agitated. The only thing it promised was ending things between Aiden Ryerson.

"Okay," he whispered back.

Her only hope was that he wouldn't give up interest and move on by the time she finally came around.


Popularity was an ever-evolving, complicated thing. To an outsider, it appeared to be a superficial world. Like a rich, white utopia that was highly exclusive and looked down at those less fortunate. To Carter, it was a little more sophisticated than that. For one thing, there were a few people in that circle who didn't fit that theory. They were nice and interesting and made you wonder why they even bothered with dumb, high school social schemes. Tala and Elena, for example, were girls that Carter wished she had known longer, before she had ever gone into their world because of a random quest.

For another, what was rumoured of everyone in that elite clique was just that, a rumour. Their lives were still filled with sad stories that had nothing to do with high school at all. They were all people, and not beautiful robots designed to make the lives of others seem unimportant in comparison.

It had only been last semester when Carter and Leigh had made fun of both Tala and Elena, for the way they held themselves, as if they was above everyone else. She had seen them as nothing but pathetic lapdogs for Ashton Rhodes. It occurred to Carter that maybe they all wore popularity as a shield, masking their private lives somehow, keeping them active and in control of a place they could easily gain power.

Everybody had a story.

Though on Wednesday morning, the only story that pressed on her heart was Leigh's. Carter had never known Leigh to be so stealthy. Darting glances. Jumping corners. Getting lost in the crowd even with that burning red hair. One would think she was born to hide.

The more time passed by, the more agitated Carter became - but one thought did try to wedge its way in through all the regret. Why would Leigh let a guy come in between their friendship? It wasn't like Carter had purposely sought out Kiran, stuffed him in that closet, and forced a kiss on him. If Leigh wanted to get technical, it had all been Kiran's doing.

Screw all my stupid First World problems, Carter thought bitterly, remembering Tala's comment, as she made her way to her locker.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" someone said.

It was funny how there was nothing alluring about Aiden's face anymore. Before she had known him, she would blush whenever he was close, or try very hard to keep herself from smiling like an idiot whenever he happened to glance in her direction. Now it was different. He was longer that sickeningly attractive guy from the popular side of the world. Not to Carter, anyway.

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