Chapter 1

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****Hi! Welcome to my first werewolf story, you may already know this by the synopsis, but it will not be like every other werewolf story. This is a very female empowering story and if for some reason you don't like that, don't leave hateful comments to bash on the story, just don't read it. But for those of you it doesn't bother, welcome! I hope you enjoy this story and give it a few chapters to pick up speed. Pictures will go along as they come about in the story so be on the look out for those. If you've read any of my other works, you know I love it when my readers COMMENT, VOTE, AND FOLLOW ME! Enjoy!****


Character Into:

Main Character - Aris Titania Desdemona (Description next chapter)


Aris's POV

***10 Years Ago***

The screams that rang in my ears the night my family died are as clear today as they were the night of the ambush. That was the darkest day for the Ivy Eclipse pack. Our pack was new into the ranks of the strong packs of North America, and no sooner than we were accepted by the Council, we were attacked.

We were totally caught off-guard, it was the dead of night and most of our pack was asleep from our huge celebration we threw. I was only 11 at the time; I had just been accepted as a wolf by the pack. My father was a well-known Warrior of high ranks and held in high regard by our Alpha.

I was asleep in my room; my older brother Ezra, at age 21, had gotten drunk and was passed out in his room. My parents Kent and Liliana were asleep in their room downstairs, and the night was quiet and still. That was before the first scream pierced the night.

I remember that night so clearly it scares me. My eyes had flown open at the first scream. I sat up and looked out the window to see our land flooding with hundreds of rogues. I was frozen in terror, I'd never seen so many rogues in one group, but there they were and I had never been so scared in my life.

I ran to my window and stared, the moon illuminated out homes and I watched as the rogues burst into the homes and then the screams began. I watched as the rogues tore through the homes, dragging our pack members, old and young, and slaughtered them, totally and completely slaughtered them, without mercy.

I backed away from the window and I backed into my closet. I covered my ears and gripped so hard my nails bit into my skin. I heard footsteps rapidly approaching and when the door flew open I was relieved to only see Ezra, but he was grief-stricken and on edge.

"Aris, get up. Go down to the basement and hide, mom and dad already left to go meet up with the other Warriors, do not open the door for anyone until you hear me or mom and dad, you hear me?" He grabbed my hand and dragged me downstairs and shoved me towards the basement door. I reached for the knob and stopped, my eyes watering. "What about you?"

He smile and hugged me, pulling me in for a tight hug. I latched my arms around him and sobbed into his shirt. He pried my arms off of him and opened the door. "Don't worry about me; I'm going to protect you and my pack, I am a Warrior."

He disappeared and I dashed into the basement, slamming the door shut and bolting it. I ran down the stairs and hurried to the corner where I sat and gripped my ankles, the anticipation of battle going on outside and the absence of my family bore deeply in my head.

It felt like an eternity I waited in the darkness, my toes going numb and my fingers digging into my skin. The shaking didn't stop or even slow down. That's when I heard a thump from right above me. I jumped and looked up, covering my mouth. There were some more thumps and some shouts, they were in my house.

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