The Red Stains - Part 9

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Hey guys :)

sorry its been a little while longer than i had hoped :\

thanks to the 5 people that voted and to the commenters :) you are officially awesome!

I'm tired and can't be bothered to make a long note so:

you know the drill; vote, comment, tweet, fan.... etc etc (please :) ) 

enjoy xx


Thank god we arrived on a Wednesday, only two days of school this week. I look down at my timetable humming softly to my iPod. Today I have Science, History, English, Maths and Art and design… not too bad. As well as Finlece, what the heck is that? I’ve never heard of it before in my life. Guess I’ll find out in a few hours.

I quickly scan the rest of the timetable; I have two hours free on Tuesday counting lunch, sweet. I have English and maths almost every day, oh joy…

I look up to find the same three pairs of eyes staring at me. I think this is becoming a regular thing. I stop humming and take out my headphones quickly. “What?” I ask utterly confused to the reoccurring and irritating stares.

“I asked what subjects you have,” Alex answers eyeing my timetable, how could he have asked me something that I didn’t hear? My iPod was on low and I could even hear them eating? ...Must have dazed off. I hand him the timetable which he scans quickly a sly smirk slowly forming on his face. “They put you in Encorium and Finlece along with having Art and Lit and Art and Design?”

“That’s what the timetable says, why?” I ask confused to his puzzlement.

“Usually only 5th years and up have four elective or selective classes.” He tells me. Seriously, why do I have to have four then?

“What the heck are Encorium and Finlece anyway?” I ask him looking up to find him gazing down at me a strange knowing glint now flashing in his eyes.

“Encorium is difficult to explain, it is a class full of mysteries, riddles and irregular logic and more.” Seamus chimes in the same knowing glint now surfacing in his yellow eyes, “While Finlece is a type of performance class, basically a form of dance and music class.” I take in a deep breath, performance class? Oh god, oh god, what am I going to do; I hate people listening to me singing and I can’t stand performing in front of people. Music is something way to personal for me, a way of expression.

I close my eyes and try to calm myself quickly then flick them open again in frustration. Is this a joke? “James, did you chose my subjects?” I ask nervously my voice dead serious but hushed.

“I told them what your good at and enjoy but the school chose them using the test you did to enter deciphered it mostly.” He tells me sympathy in his eyes but authority in his voice. Great I’m stuck with it. I sigh and lean back in my chair, jumping slightly as the door swings open with another thud.

I turn around to find Max and a few other guys strolling into the room. It’s automatically obvious that they are one of those ‘popular’ groups, by the attention they are getting from the second they appeared.

 I study them for a moment and suddenly find my eyes locked with Max’s, his bright green eyes are searching mine intently. I begin to feel uncomfortable and his eyes intensify pulling me into his gaze but I rip my eyes away, none the less feeling exposed; now finding my eyes locked with Seamus’s. His eyes search mine as Max’s did but at the same time they protrude warmth and a mocking quality.  I stare back intensely also mocking Max’s attempt by pretending to become lost in his eyes, drawn in by some unknown intensity. I let out a small laugh as he looks shocked before composing himself and realising what I’m doing and laughing along with me.

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