Red Stains - Part 3

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Hey, i'm sorry it's been a while but i've been focusing on my main book "I am the Alpha." but here's the much waited next part. :)

I have gone back and edited both the previous parts slightly, nothing drastic just tense and spelling. 

Hope you like it :)

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thanks for reading!!



“You need to get something to drink before we go back and I need to make sure you drink it so we’re going to the dorm kitchen.” James informs me. The dorm kitchens... which are probably full of guys who will scan me again… this is just great. I look up at him pleadingly but he just shakes his head looking back at me with softness in his eyes. He’s right, I have to drink something or I might collapse again.

“Fine, lead the way.” I sigh giving in and letting James pull me closer before Alex begins to lead us off in the opposite direction further into the guys dorms. We pass several more doors identical to that of theirs before we reach another arch slightly smaller than the previous ones.

Walking through it we arrive in a dimly lit, comfy looking den room. It is filled with red, plush sofas and poufs which are next to dark wooden coffee tables where drinks, remotes and books are currently scattered. There are a few large televisions and what looks like every game console possible as well as DVD players and iPod docks. The dark brown walls are lined with magnificent oil paintings of a variety of things; kind of weird for teenage boys… the carpet is a dull but somewhat lush red colour that matches the sofas; over all it looks like luxury. 

As we walk further into the room which is buzzing with noise and chatter from the guys spread out through it stops and heads begin to turn towards us. Games stop, TVs are put on mute and the odd few reading books place bookmarks in them and also turn to face us. I am still hidden by Alex and Seamus who are standing in front leading the way towards a breakfast bar further into the room which must lead to the kitchen. I shrink back into James slightly who squeezes my hand gently as we walk.

Suddenly a voice breaks the silence “Is that the new guy?” wait that means they haven’t noticed me yet.

“Yeah Jeffry, it is.” Alex replies serenely as we continue walking slowly. I hear a few people get up and start to walk over but I can’t see over Seamus and Alex.

“What are you going to do? Hide him from us?” Another voice calls out. At this James begins to laugh and the nudges Alex with his hand, indicating for them to move. Alex gives him a sceptical look before both Him and Seamus step to the side and we all stop moving. I take a few calming breaths as I look at the horde of guys, some of them the ones from the hallway but mostly new faces. They haven’t noticed me yet as Seamus seems to have purposely placed him-self to block me from them.

“Hey, I’m James.” James says loud enough for them all to hear. There are a few ‘heys’ back from the guys. I lean slightly onto James bringing myself further into view accidently causing a gasp from some of the guys.

“Who’s this James?” A blonde haired guy asks looking at the bit of me he can see which is not much. Seamus, Alex and James sigh in frustration then Alex and Seamus move completely unblocking me.

All of a sudden there is a mass of guys looking straight at me doing guess what? Scanning me. What a great way to meet everyone at a new school; being found in the wrong dorm and then interrogated. I look at them all not saying a word but studying the curious eyes locked on me. Why are they all looking at me like I’m some mystery to figure out? I’m just a girl trying to get a drink in her brother’s dorm not some secret runaway.

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