Forced Kiss/Injury

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Tokoro pov

I was heading to school with Kuro at my side.

"Maybe we should head to Seiren after school dont you think Kuro?" I asked and she meowed.

"Then its settle." I said walking quicker.

As I entered through the gates I've been getting stares from everyone.

I ignored it but still felt weird.

'Was it about what happened at the pool or is it that im walking with a cat by my side?' I thought.

I saw Himuro ahead so I called his name. "Hey Tokoro-chan,I thought you'd stay home today." He said. "Why'd you think that?" I asked.

"Nothing,so I heard you and Atsushi made up." He said and I looked at him.

"He told me." He said and I nodded.

"Are you heading to your class now?" Himuro asked. "Mhm I have swim class all day today." I said. "Hm, well have fun." He said waving me off and I nodded heading to the changing rooms.

"I wonder if..." I walked into the changing room which was empty always.

I quickly changed and headed out to the pool after putting my things in my locker.

"Oh Tokoro your back, I was worried about you." Yuki said coming over.

She had her clipboard with her and a pen.

"Yuki I have a question.." I said.

"Go on." She said.

"Have you ever been in the pool before?" I asked and she stayed quiet.

"Why'd you asked." She said.

"Because everytime I come here your always holding that clipboard and your always dry." I said.

"Come with me." She said walking over the seating area.

She sat down and I sat with her.

"The truth is, I loved to swim but that was the past before Sen Sugen came to this school." She said.

"He was my very first opponent that ever beat me in swimming, I was so angry and jealous of him that I gave up going back in a pool." She said.

"But that never stopped me from being around a pool, now I choose to help out around here and made my own club look, don't be like me, loosing to one person and giving up your dreams because of them don't do it." She said getting up and walking away.

I sighed. "Poor Yuki."


It was soon lunch. I got out of the pool and headed for the changing rooms.

I changed back into my uniform and headed out.

I quickly went to the library. I felt like I was being watched.

I signed my name and headed to search for a book on the Sugen family.

I headed back over to the librarian.
"Excuse me but do you have a book about rich family sort of things history maybe?" I asked.

Atsushi pov

I met up with Himuro for lunch.

"Hey um did Tokoro came school?" I asked

"Yep she did came to school, I just saw her head into the library in a rush."
He replied.

"Whats so important for her to be in a rush to 'the' library." I said and he shrugged.

I sighed and headed to the library.

Tokoro pov

I finally got the book I've been looking for. As I stood and read the book I came across the Sugen family.

"Known for the family of playing tricks and blackmailing." I mumbled.

"What you got there?" I jumped a bit closing the book and dropping it.

I turned around and Sen was right there hovering over me.

"Nothing." I said kicking the book under the shelf.

"Have you thought of answering my question of going out with me?" He asked.

"No I forgot." I said my back against the shelf.

He slid his hand into mines and pressed his body onto me.

"Sen, please stop." I said.

He put his knee between my thighs and smashed his lips onto mines.

As I tried fighting he was too strong so I gave up.

"Tokoro?" Someone said.

Sen stopped and looked and I looked too, to see Atsushi he looked shocked, hurt and disappointed.

"Its not what it looks like Atsushi." I said and he only walked away.

As I was about to run after him Sen pulled me said. "Leave him let him go." He said. I pulled my arm away from him. "You were just waiting for this to happen!" I said.

"If you walk away from me you wish you hadn't, I'll show everyone these picks I have of you sleeping." He said.

"What pictures?" I asked and he showed me the pictures. My eyes widen at them.

"How could you?!" I said.

"I couldn't resist your sleeping figure, it" he said. I felt the anger building up in me.

"So go out with me and the pictures don't go to anyone." He said waving the phone in my face.

I bit my lip.

I grabbed the phone and said "Kuro." Kuro attacked Sen while I ran off.

I headed quickly out of the library and ran away from him.

While I ran I started deleting the pictures, before I can delete the last one I tripped and fell but to my surprise I was continue falling thats when I realise I was falling down some stairs.

I hit my head on the last step and everything was going black. My body was numb, I could've only see feet surrounding me.

"Tokoro!" I heard a familiar voice and blank out.


Beep beep beep

I was woken up by the sound of something beeping. I looked around. "Where am I?" I said.

"Your at the hospital." Someone said. I tried to move but weight was on my stomach. I looked to see a purple haired guy head resting on my stomach.

He was looking right at me. "Atsushi..." I said.

He sat up looking away.

"Im sorry about the Kiss, I didn't asked for was forced." I said. "I don't like Sen, Atsushi I like..." i paused when he looked at me.

I looked away blushing.

My hospital room opened and in came Himuro with Onii-chan and Kagami.




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