Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Every day Harry couldn’t wait to get out of the hell that school was, not only to escape from Zayn and Liam, but mostly to meet up with Niall. Louis was starting to get suspicious, Harry had always escaped school quickly, but recently whenever class was dismissed Harry would dash out the door and flash out of school with no good bye to Louis.

Louis hated to admit it, but he was heartbroken. As much as he loved Harry, he hated that being his friend was more of a job than a real friendship. He felt like friendship was one way and Louis was doing all he could to keep this friendship working, but nothing was helping. Louis made so much effort, but nothing worked. He was starting to give up, but he wanted to find out what was making Harry disappear every second the bell rang, and soon enough he found out.

Louis had followed Harry home, he had done this twice already, but this time he was determined to find out what the fuck happened inside that house. The last time he started getting suspicious Harry had one of this insane episodes that always manage to frighten the Unfrightenable Louis Tomlinson.

“Carmen, hey is Harry here?” Louis asked.

“Yes, sir, he’s up in his room,” Carmen smiled at Louis and allowed him in.

Louis walked up the steps slowly, allowing his hand to trace the wooden handrail that was worn by the dust. Louis stood silently beside the door and cupped his hands over his mouth so his breath didn’t sound too much, he started eavesdropping.

“No, Niall no one’s outside, don’t leave so soon!” Louis heard Harry call desperately.


“What are you talking about Niall? … No! No one’s outside stay!” He heard Harry mumble sadly.


“Niall, please, you’re one of my only friends, just please, stay, you always leave so soon to god knows where in the darkness of that hallway!” Harry then groaned and Louis peeked inside he was on the floor leaning against the bed, covering his face with his hands annoyed.

Harry then rubbed his face and looked up slowly, “Oh, okay, just disappear, you know that’s fucking fine too, Niall, it’s not like I have any emotions.”

Louis was so surprised, he had never heard Harry say so many sentences in such a long time, but he had never heard Harry say so many cuss words. It was all so overwhelming and unbelievably breathtaking. Louis missed the talkative Harry.

“Hey, Harry, who were you talking to?” Louis walked in on Harry.

“How long were you outside?” Harry asked swerving the question.

“I just got here,” Louis lied smoothly.


“Yes,” Louis retorted.



“No, now stop lying and tell me how long you were outside eavesdropping on me and my buddy,”

“I. Just. Got. Here. And that’s that, Harry.”

Harry groaned annoyed and leaned back on the bed and then rubbed his hands over his face until the fingertips of his hands run over his hair, he then gripped his hair in an upset manner.

Louis sat beside Harry and placed a hand on his knee and spoke softly and patiently, “Who were you talking to, Harry?”     

“How do you know I was talking to someone if you weren’t outside?” Harry asked with a sly smile in his lips.

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