Chapter 17

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Nicki p.o.v ~

Meek- put it on speaker

I did as told them I finished dialing the number as Rihmeek watched me. I knew right now I was making a choose. He picked up on the third ring . He answered the phone chuckling a bit.

Dante- Damn what do I owe the pleasure

Nicki- Can you come by the house real quick

Dante - Oh homie must really not be in his job if you calling me

I looked over at meek nervously as he clenched his jaw

Nicki- um ... Can you just come over we need to ...Talk

Dante- Why ? You pregnant?

I saw meek ball up his fist this damn phone call was taking a left .

Nicki- No I just need you ... To come see me before I leave.

Dante- Alright baby I'll be over in 10

With that I hang up the phone and tried to focus on the TV as Meek burned a whole in my face .

Meek- you let that nigga nut in you ?

Well...Not this time . Meek ain't really let us get that far.

Nicki- No no no ... We ain't get that far

I was on birth control anyway so what did it matter ? I guess it's one of those ego things again. He surprised me and got on top of me hovering over me .

Meek- You know you mine right ?

I nodded slowly

Meek- If you ever pull some shit like this again I'm not coming back so easy . I'm going to leave you and not look back . Do you understand that ?

I nodded again, I wanted to speak but he had me speechless.

Meek- Good...Now go change before that nigga get here.

I pouted but got up, I wanted him inside of me . I needed him I was so horny . He wasn't showing me the least bit of affection. I guess I should just be thankful for his presence. I walked over to our closet and memories immediately came flooding back as I looked at his side with most of his clothes missing. I shook those memories off and put in some nike sweats and a white fitted t-shirt . I pulled on some socks then put on my hello kitty slippers. I looked at the mirror in the closet and gave myself a ponytail. I walked out and caugh meek staring I smirked walking downstairs. It seems like as soon as I came downstairs the doorbell rang. I opened it it was Dante .

Dante- Hey baby

He hugged me then he tried to kiss me but I curved him. Today was not about to be the day I die. He was already close to catching a bullet from Rihmeek, and I was one damn kiss away from being a hashtag. Today I had to prove to meek I could do as told . I knew he was watching...

Dante - Wassup with you today? You seem nervous...

Nicki- Look I can't see you no more Dante

I ended up blurting out not wanting any small talk. I looked at him

Dante- Why ?

Nicki- I have a boyfriend

Dante- that ain't stop you before... You ain't give no fucks about no boyfriend when you told me to fuck you . So what's really the reason

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