Episode 16

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"Last time, on Total Drama Minecraft, we visited all the losers that had been kicked off this show. They revealed who they wanted to win, who they hated most, and who they thought would make it to the final two. Then, in a surprise twist, we had the losers vote off the next contestant. They all accidentally said Silvester too much, and sent the Silverfish home. Four contestants remain. Who will be eliminated next? Find out right now, on Total Drama Minecraft!" Herobrine said.

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Remaining Contestants (4): Zupay, Zombee, Ender, Wither

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Ender's Confessional

"I honestly did not think I would make it to the final four. Wow. But now that I'm here, I might as well win."


Zupay's Confessional

"It was obvious I would make it this far. I just gotta get rid of Wither and Ender, and then beat Zombee in the finale. Piece of cake."


Wither's Confessional

"I'll definitely win this. Especially with my plan."


Zombee's Confessional

"Final four? Wow. I didn't think I'd get this far, especially with Zupay. If I can get rid of him, maybe I can beat Wither and Ender!"


The four remaining contestants were eating in the mess hall.

Suddenly, Herobrine teleported in. He made a television appear.

"Good morning, contestants! Today, we have contacted your parents. They made videos for you! First, Zupay's parents," Herobrine said.

The television turned on, and there were two older looking Zombie Villagers, a male and female.

"Hi honey!" the woman, who must be his mom, said. "We are so proud of you! Kick everyone's butts for us!"

"Yeah son!" the father said. "We need a million emeralds!"

"Bye!" they said together.

"Wither, we couldn't find your parents," Herobrine said.

"That's because I killed them," Jerry replied.

"...okay. Next, Zombee's parents!" Herobrine said. The screen turned on, revealing two older looking Zombies, male and female, and a baby female Zombie.

"Mom! Dad! Zombette!" Zombee exclaimed happily.

Herobrine leaned in and whispered in his ear, "They can't hear you. It's a recording."

"Oh," Zombee replied.

"Hi Zombee! We love you!" his mother said.

"Remember son, even if you don't get those emeralds, we still love you," the dad said.

"I miss you big brother!" the little girl said.

The television turned off. Zombee wiped away a happy tear.

"And, Ender, we called your dad, but he said he didn't want to talk to you..." Herobrine said.

"Oh...it's okay...I guess," Ender sighed.

"Well anyway, now that those are over, it's time for your next challenge!" Herobrine announced. He and the four mobs disappeared.

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