Episode 2

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"Last time on Total Drama Minecraft, the contestants split into two teams. They attempted to complete a parkour course, but almost all of them failed. In the end, the Killer Sheep won, and the Screaming Cows decided to send Joe the Villager home. What crazy challenge will the contestants do today? Find out right now, on Total Drama Minecraft!" Herobrine said.

* * *

Killer Sheep (10): Ender, Skelly, Spidey, Creep, Blaise, Mag, Ron, Sno, Agatha, Wither

Screaming Cows (9): Endie, Silvester, Mucus, Zupay, Zombee, Zombieswine, Witton, Kat, Cavell

* * *

"Oh my Notch, Shut up!" Blaise yelled in the girls' cabin. Since there were only five girls on the show, they all shared one cabin, while the boys got two separate cabins. Blaise was yelling at Mag, who was snoring. Mag didn't wake up.

"Guys, I'm trying to sleep," Kat whined.

"I could sleep if Mag would SHUT UP!" Blaise shouted.

Sno watched the scene from her bed, too shy to say anything. Mag continued snoring.

"RAHHHHHHH!" Blaise screamed. It was clear she was about to throw fireballs.

Agatha started muttering something and she splashed a potion on Blaise. The angry Blaze fell asleep instantly. Then Agatha splashed a potion on Mag, who stopped snoring instantly.

"There," Agatha said, and she fell back asleep.

* * *

The Killer Sheep boys' cabin was quiet. Ender, Skelly, Spidey, Wither, Ron, and Creep were sound asleep, although one of the Wither's heads would mutter every once in awhile.

* * *

The Screaming Cows boys' cabin was the complete opposite. Zupay, Zombieswine, and Zombee were partying it up, throwing stuff around everywhere. Silvester cowered under his sheets, Mucus was being thrown around, and Witton sat in his bed, facing the wall. Cavell was trying to sleep.

Endie sat on his bed, very annoyed with the three Zombies. He was definitely voting them out next time they lost.

But he doubted he could do it on his own. He needed alliances.

"Hey Cavell," Endie said to the Cave Spider, who was the closest to him. "Wanna join an alliance with me?"

"What, are you saying I'm weak? Huh? Is that it?! No, I'll never need help from you!" Cavell shouted. But Endie could barely hear him with all the noise the Zombies were making.

That left Witton, Silvester, and Mucus. Silvester was probably afraid of him. Mucus was busy being tossed by Zombies, and Witton was...eh.

But Endie decided to try Witton anyway. He teleported over to him.

"Hey Witton," Endie said.

The Wither Skeleton did not move. He kept staring at the wall.

"Hello? Witton?" Endie asked, waving a hand in his face.

Witton did not move.

"Wanna be in an alliance with me?" Endie asked.

Witton did not move.


Witton did not move.



Witton's Confessional


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