Episode 12

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"Last time, on Total Drama Minecraft, the mobs played a game of Spleef. Wither went crazy and tried shooting everyone. Cavell got mad at Zupay, and made them both fall hundreds of blocks. Cavell broke all of his bones, and had to be sent home due to his injuries. What will I put them through today? Find out right now, on Total Drama Minecraft!" Herobrine said.

* * *

Killer Sheep (5): Ender, Creep, Mag, Sno, Wither

Screaming Cows (4): Silvester, Mucus, Zupay, Zombee

* * *

Sno woke up and stretched. "Today is the day Wither goes home," she said determinedly. "Right Mag?"

Mag was humming and not paying attention.

"Mag? What's up with you?" Sno asked.

"I got myself a boyfriend!" Mag exclaimed.

"Really? Is it Mucus?" Sno asked.

"Yeah! How'd you know?" Mag asked.

"Um...lucky guess..." Sno mumbled.


Sno's Confessional

"It's been obvious that Mucus likes Mag since that day he stood up for her in capture the flag. Also, Mag with anyone else would be kinda weird..."


"CHALLENGE TIME!" Herobrine announced. "I'll teleport you all to the location of the challenge again."

The nine remaining mobs disappeared.

* * *

They reappeared in front of a large stone brick wall.

Herobrine teleported in front of them.

"What is this?" Ender asked.

"This, is The Great Maze!" Herobrine exclaimed.

"Ugh, I hate mazes," Zupay grumbled.

"I love mazes!" Silvester said happily.

Zupay glared at him, and the Silverfish shrunk back.

"Anyway, so your teams will have to go through the maze. If you get caught in a trap, you're out. If all your teammates are caught in a trap, your team will send someone home. Or, if one of the members of the other team makes it before any of your team, you lose and will send someone home," Herobrine explained. "Got it?"

"What kinds of traps are they?" Silvester asked nervously.

"You'll find out," Herobrine replied mysteriously. He snapped his fingers, and a wide corridor opened in the wall. At the end of the corridor were three passageways to choose from.

"Ready, set, go!" Herobrine announced.

The nine mobs raced into the maze.

"I know we hate each other, but we need to stick together," Silvester said to his team.

"Fine. But we'll lead the way," Zupay said.

"But--" Silvester protested.

"No buts!" Zupay interrupted.

They went down the right passageway.

* * *

"We should stick together," Sno said to her team.

"I'm not going anywhere he goes," Ender replied, referring to Creep.

"But--" Sno protested.

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