chapter 15

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"Hey beautiful?" Vic asked as we were fixing dinner. "Yes?". "Jenna's parents didn't take it so well. Mike called me earlier and he said that they flipped out. They screamed at her. I mean she is only 16 but still. And they ended up kicking her out" he shook his head. "Really? That's messed up. Yeah she did get pregnant but but she is their daughter. They should support her no matter what. And they have the nerve to kick their pregnant, 16 year old, daughter out? What if she had no where to go?" I yelled. Me and Jenna have become pretty good friends and it hurts me that she is getting treated like this. "I know. But Mike said that mom and dad said that she could stay with them. They are always away for work anyways" Vic shrugged. And like she could read minds Jenna called me. "Its Jenna" I said and he nodded. "Hey" I said trying to sound happy even though I was fuming with rage. "Kellin" it sounded like she was crying. "What's wrong Jen?" Thats what I call her. "Its my stupid parents" she spat. "Are you ok? Do I need to break out my karate skills?" I gained a small laugh from her. "That would be great. They screamed at me and then kicked me out not caring if I had a place to stay. But luckily mikes parents are letting me stay with them" she said. "I'm sorry. Do you want me to come get you? We could talk about it and plan how I'm going to make their death look like an accident?" I suggested. She chuckled "that would be great actually. If you want Vic could come to" I heard a small smile in her tone. "Ok. See ya soon" I said and hung up.
"If you weren't gay I would be worried" Vic joked. "You know I wouldn't leave you. Even for Oliver Sykes" he's in my favorite band, Bring Me The Horizon. He rolled his eyes. "So I assume we are going over there?" He ignored my comment. I nodded "yeah. After dinner" he nodded. "Just promise me that you won't got to jail for murder. I won't be able to live without you" he placed a kiss on my lips. "I promise" I smiled pulling back.
We ate dinner quickly. And then headed for their house. I knocked on the door. Mike answered "dude if you weren't gay-" I cut him off "yeah, yeah you would be worried. Now where's Jenna?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and Vic chuckled. "Living room" was all he said. I walked past him and found her. She gave me a sad smile. "Hey kel" she said. Her purple hair in a sloppy bun and she had on a really big sweat shirt. The look actually fitted her. "Hey" I sat beside her. "I just. I just thought that they loved me. Like they obviously don't if they kick me out of the house at 16" she started her rant. "Yeah. I know. But on the bright side we love you. Me mike and Vic will always be here for you. If you need anything I'm here. All you have to do is ask" I gave her a hug. I'm pretty small but she is tiny. "Thanks. I love y'all too. I have been pregnant for about a month, almost two now. Well at least that's what the doctors said a couple days ago. And I am so stressed out. I am 16, pregnant and without parental support. That's hard. And on top of that I'll have to worry about the baby's health. Since I'm so young, a lot can go wrong. Kellin I don't think I have ever been so scared in my life" and I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was about to cry.
It has been a week since she has told us and her fear and panic levils keep rising. "Its ok to be scared. But the baby is going to be fine. You just have to hope for the best. And when he gets here, he will have the best family ever. Two loving parents, two wonderful uncles and Mike's parents" I wiped away a few falling tears from her cheeks. My eyes were starting to water up too. "He?" She asked. "Yeah I just feel like its a boy" I shrugged. She laughed. "Thanks kellin for being here for me. You are my best friend. And I'm going to need a lot of your help to get me through this. And Mike is going to need Vic. He might seem all tough, but he is just as scared as me. He is only 17 and he is going to be a dad". She has a good point. I'll make sure to talk to Vic about it. "I'm sure that Vic will help help with him. But you know what this means?" I asked raising my eyebrows and elbowing her side. "No. What?" She asked confused. "He's gonna ask you to marry him!" I said excitedly but quiet enough so Vic and mike wouldn't hear me. She immediately smiled. She even giggled "you will be the first to know if he does decide to ask". "Bish I better be" I joked.
We talked for a while longer then we had to go. "Bye Jen. Love ya" I said hugging her. I'm pretty sure both Vic and Mike rolled their eyes. "Love you to kel". Everyone else said their goodbyes and we left. "You love her hu?" Vic asked once we got in the car. "She is like me best friend" I said.
"Sure" Vic said. "Baby are you jealous?" I asked kissing his cheek. He was driving. "Me? Never" he said sarcastically. "Don't be. You know I don't like girls" I reminded him. He shrugged. I kissed his cheek again. "I love you" I sang. "Yeah, yeah". I know he's just joking but I still don't want him to think that I have feelings for anyone other then him.
When we got inside our apartment I pulled him to me. I kissed him. He deepened the kiss. We made it to our room without breaking apart. He pushed me onto the bed then climbed on top of me.
I'm sorry for the interruption but I'm not going to describe any further then this. Use your imagination. Sorry if this makes you mad. Continue.

I woke up with the sheets wrapped around me. I smiled at the memories. That was our first time. I rolled over to see Vic sound asleep. I kissed his cheek. "Good morning baby" I brushed some hair out of his face. He smiled "morning beautiful". He kissed the tip of my nose. I grinned. "You are so cute" he said getting up. I've noticed before but dang he has a nice butt. I giggled at my thought. He got dressed and so did I. I waited for him to leave before I got out my phone and called Jenna. "It happened" I squealed as soon as she answered. She knew exactly what I was talking about. "Oh my gosh. Finally! Details!" She giggled like crazy. We have talked about it before but I was just scared. I didn't want to mess up and him laugh at me. "I'll tell you later. But I am so happy!" I squealed. "About what?" He whispered in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine. I didn't even hear him come in. "I'll call you back" I didn't wait for an answer I just hung up. I blushed at the fact that I was caught. "Let me guess you told Jenna?" He smirked "your lucky I love you" he kissed me. I smiled "and I love you Mr. Fuentes". He shook his head.
"I'm going to take you out tonight" he said standing up and pulling me with him. "Ok. I need to go to the store but that's all I have to do" I said. I live a pretty boring life but I'm happy with it. "Ok. Oh I almost forgot. My friend is coming. Can he stay here while he's in town? It will only be for the weekend" he asked. "I dont care. What's their name?" I asked. He smiled "Jamie. We were friends in 11th grade but he moved." I nodded "sounds good to me. I love you. See you later" I gave him a quick kiss. I was then on my way to the store.
I was shopping when I heard the familiar voice that belonged to my father. I haven't seen him since he left. He called me at first but eventually that stopped. I turned and looked for him. I went to the next isle and found him. He was standing with a pregnant lady. It has been a few months but dang. She is pretty big. This brought a sickening thought to my mind. Was he with her while he was with my mom? I felt my heart drop. He noticed me staring, which I didn't notice that I was doing. "Kellin?" He started walking towards me. I froze. He left us, he left me to have another kid with another lady. I shook my head. "Kellin. Hey." He got closer then I ran. I left all of my stuff and ran out of the store. I got in my car and left. I drove to the park. I don't know why. I just kinda felt like it. I walked over to an empty bench and sat down.
If I'm ever a dad I promise I will be 10 times better then him. Who the heck leaves their kid to make another family? I know it probably happens a lot more often then I think, but it still hurts. I am brought back to reality when I hear a little girl crying. I look around and find the source. A little girl is sitting next to a tree, not to far from me, crying. I get up and walk over to her. I think to myself "this is going to make me look like a creeper". "Hey. Why are you crying?" I sit beside her. I have always been good with children. "I lost my mommy" she wined. "What does she look like?" I asked. "She is tall with black hair and a pink shirt" she looks up at me. I look around for anyone who fits the description. Nobody does.
"When was the last time you seen her?" I ask. "I don't know. Can you help me?" She gave me the puppy dog eyes. "Of course I will. We should go to the main building. Your mommy might be looking for you there" I said sweetly. She nodded. I got up and so did she. We started walking up the small hill. She took my hand. I looked down at her and smiled. I want kids one day. Once we were there we walked up to the main desk and there was a lady in a pink shirt. "My daughter? I can't find her" she said frantically. "Mommy!" The little girl yelled and ran to the lady. "Hanna! Don't ever leave mommy again" the woman grabbed the child up in a bear hug. When she got put down Hanna waved at me and smiled "thank you". The mom walked over to me "did you help her find me?" She asked and I thought that she was gonna hit me. I nodded slowly. "Thank you so much. You helped my baby girl" she hugged me. I smiled.
That was interesting. When I get home Vic will have to listen to my story. He probably won't care but it makes me happy that I helped.
I going to add a little drama in the next chapter so things aren't boring. I am also going to be uploading a phan so be sure to check that out. And yes I do realize that I spelled whining , wining.
Im not gonna fix it but I'll spell it correctly in my later chapters.

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