chapter 13

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My alarm went off at 7. I hit the snooze button because my mom doesn't ever make me go to school on my birthday. I rolled over to see Vic still sleeping. I kissed his cheek "good morning" I whispered. He groaned. I smiled. I got up and sat on him. "Vic" I mined "wake up". He smiled before opening his eyes. "Happy birthday. Again" he said pulling me down for a kiss. And of course that's when my mom walks in. She sees her son sitting on his boyfriends stomach, kissing him. Oh and I'm in my underwear and a sweatshirt and he is only in his boxers. He closed the door quickly "sorry to disturb you" she said. My face heated up "its not like that mom" I reassured her. I got off of Vic and went to my closet. Vic came up behind me and smacked my butt then he wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me back to the bed. "I'm picking out your cloths today" he said making me sit. "Ok" I said laying back down. A minute later he came back with skinny jeans and a black button up shirt. He threw the cloths at me. I shook my head and got dressed.
"Dang kells" I
Vic said putting on some cloths that he left here some other time. "You look hot" he came over and kissed me. I don't think kissing him is ever going to get old. "So do you" I said pulling back. He had on black skinny jeans and a red tank top with a black guitar in the middle. "Thanks babe" he said. We went downstairs and mom gave us a smirk. "Mom! It wasn't like that!" I claimed. "Sure honey. What ever you say" she elbowed Vic in the ribs. "Mom I'm still a virgin!" I raised my hands in the air. She just shook her head and continued whatever she was doing. "Oh by the way everyone will be here by noon" she checked the time. "Should we tell her?" I whispered to Vic. He shrugged his shoulders then nodded "yeah. Before everyone gets here". I got a bottle of water. "Hey mom can we talk?" I asked casually. "Sure honey. What up?" She asked sweeping. "I uh, we are moving in together. Like soon" I said expecting a huge reaction. "Really? I am so happy for y'all!" He pulled us both into a hug. "Thanks mo-" I was interrupted. "What's all of the commotion about?" Grandma came walking in. I thought she left... I rolled my eyes "nothing that concerns you". She gave me an apologetic look "kellin I'm sorry. I shouldn't judge you because of who you love". I shrugged "whatever". She gave me a sad look.
"Well I'm going to start packing" I pointed upstairs. "For what?" The old witch asked. "I'm moving" I said flatly then grabbed Vic's hand and pulled him to my room. "Want me to help you with anything?" Vic asked. I shook my head "no thanks".
Its 11:30 and people are showing up. Me and Vic decided that we are just gonna tell people about us. We walked out of my room holding hands. My cousin Camile came up to me. "Hey kellin. Who is the hottie?" She flashed a smile at Vic. "This is Vic. My boyfriend" I said and he put his arm around my waist. "Oh" she made an o with her lips. She then walked off awkwardly. "Kellin!" I heard a familiar voice call. "Peter!" I called back. He is my friend from Florida. He hugged me. Vic cleared his throat. I laughed and pulled back. "This is my boyfriend Vic. Vic this is one of my best friends, Peter" I said. Vic pulled me closer to him. It was cute that he was jealous. Peter held his hand out. Vic took it. He kept his hand on my waist. I brought his face down to mine and kissed him. "You are so cute" I said. When I looked back peter was gone. A lot of people were staring at me and Vic. I rolled my eyes.
The rest of the party was the same. It was like 3 before everyone was gone. Mom had to go to the store for something, so it was only me and Vic. He sat on the couch and I sat on his lap. "I'm going to take you to a party tonight" Vic said rubbing cicles on my back. "I don't know. I don't really do parties" I said. "Well you will tonight. I'm making you" he pulled me closer to him. "Ok. I guess" I pouted. He kissed my neck. He knows how much that effects me. I tilted my head to the side a little. He smiled. "Your gonna love it baby" he said and his breath sent chills down my spine. He effects me in a a way that I didn't know was possible. "Yeah, yeah" I said.
It was almost 8. "Ready kells?" Vic asked. "I guess" I sighed. Her grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house.
We decided to walk since the weather was nice. We heard the music from down the street. He pulled me in the crowded house. I didn't want to drink and he didn't either so we just danced. It turned out to be a lot of fun. I grinded on Vic and he did the same. He is a pretty good dancer. "Oh hey Vic" some girl came up. "Hey Taylor" we stopped dancing. "How have you been?" She asked but we could barely hear her. She pointed down a hallway. Vic nodded and pulled me with them. If he wasn't gay I would be extremely jealous. I mean this girl is gorgeous. "This is my friend from school, Taylor" he gestured to her. "Hey I'm kellin" I smiled at her. She flashed a fake smile at me. Vic didnt seem to notice. I shook it off. "I have to pee. I'll be right back" Vic kissed the top of my head and left. "So y'all are a thing" it wasn't a question. "Yeah" I nodded like duh. The next thing I know she is pushing me against the wall and kisses me. I don't kiss back and by the time I can get away, she pulled back. "What?" I heard Vic ask quietly from the door. Then he turned and ran. "What is your problem!" I yelled. Then I felt the all to familiar signs of an anxiety attack. I dropped to my knees. "I- cant-breath" I wheezed. "Oh my god" she sounded panicked. Then she was gone. My vision blurred from the tears. I fell to my side. A little while later I felt hands on my side. "Kellin" I heard. I couldn't recognize the voice and I couldn't see the person. "Kells!" They yelled and that's when I knew that it was Vic.
My breathing started regulating. "He's ok?" I heard Taylor asked. "Yeah. Why would you do this to him? Its all your fault. I want you to leave" Vic said sternly. He held me in his arms. "I'm so sorry kells. I should have known that you wouldn't do that to me. But all of my hurt went away when she told me that you fell and said that you couldn't breathe" his voice cracked. "Its all of my fault. You haven't had one in so long and I had to be stupid and not let you explain". I started breathing normal and I slowly stopped crying. I looked up and seen that his eyes were all red. I smiled "its not your fault Vic. Its Taylor's" I got up. And wiped his eyes. "I just got scared that you were going to leave me and I started freaking out. Then the freak just left me" I shrugged. "I should have know. Plus you don't even like girls. I just seen her lips on yours and I seen red" he stood up "and I would never leave you. Ever" he brought me into a hug and we stayed like that for a while. It was nice. I'm just glad that we got this all worked out.

My happy place (kellic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon