Chapter Seven: A Party to Die for.(ep 1.4)

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AN UPLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Link down in comments is from Calla's outfit Dedicated to Taylor ,for making this beautiful trailer, which i also will post with this chapter as with ch 1.


Chapter Seven: A Party to Die for.(ep 1.4)

Tomorrow. Hell. A Founder’s Ball. Talking about dead boring. Tanner’s dead has been one week ago, yet Bonnies was still a bit freaked out. And I couldn’t blame her. Yet, we had arranged that we’d go together, since we both we date-less. If I could’ve picked out my own scene, I would’ve stayed home with a movie. But sadly enough, Gilberts were forced to horrible events. Damon was still doing god-knows-what with Caroline and I couldn’t help but worry a bit about her. I mean, it definitely couldn’t be a good thing. Them two … dating. If that’s what you could call it. My gut feeling didn’t like it. At all.

The nightmares (including freakish postcards) had stopped, however, something I was very content with. Elena and Stefan were still dating, and even I could see that they were kinda cute together. I laid down my dress for the party on Elena’s bed and stroke the fabric. It was had a black ending to the skirt and the upper part of the skirt and the sleeveless body were mixtures of violet and blue.

I had bought it in summer, together with Bonnie. Not that I then was in the mood for shopping but still. I twisted my ring around my finger, the one with the lily I was named after and I had gotten for my fourteenth birthday. I had worn it ever since. I waked downstairs for my daily dose of coffee and saw Jenna watching the news. Elena was polishing some kind of ring. “Morning,” I said and grabbed my mug from the sideboard. 

The news reporter just went on with his story. “To repeat, the animal terrorizing Mystic Falls has been caught.” I looked up. That took a couple of deaths to become save again. Jenna was staring angrily at the television. “Scum ball. Scum bucket.” Elena looked at me, raising her eyebrows. “Who are you talking to?” “Him,” Jenna replied. I sipped my coffee and entered the conversation. “The newsguy?”

Jenna sighed in frustration. “Also known as Logan "Scum" Fell. Did your mom ever tell you guys why I moved away from Mystic Falls?” I chuckled. “Oh, no way. You and him? He's cute.” “True,” Elena agreed. “He’s not cute. There is nothing cute about him.” Then she seemed to notice what Elena was doing. “What are you doing with that?”

“I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom had told Mrs. Lockwood she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage display,” Elena said. I rolled my eyes. “Please don’t remind me of the fact that we have to go to there.” Jenna picked it up. “Isn’t that grandma Beth’s wedding ring?” “Originally it was great-Great-Grandma Mary's wedding ring.” I finished my coffee to then pour in a new one.

“Quit the wedding ring talk, seriously?” Jenna smiled at me. “Not interested in inheriting it when you marry one day.” I  smiled falsely. “I promised Elena she could hit me if I married earlier than her. I’m not letting her hit me. You can have it when you and Stefan marry.” Elena pushed my shoulder. “Not funny.”

“I know, I am so terribly not funny. It’s ugly anyway.” Jeremy walked into the room and took the ring form Jenna “How much do you think this stuff is worth? You know, like on eBay?” “Seriously,” I just said and Elena grabbed it back. “You're not gonna find out.” Jeremy looked kinda angry. “That stuff is mom and dad's. You can't just give it away.” I drank up my coffee.

“That’s called a loan Jeremy,” I said and grabbed my trench coat from the hallstand. “I’m meeting Bonnie and Caroline at the Grill.” I opened the door and stepped out on the porch. “O, and Elena?” She walked to me. “What, Cal?” “You really should ask Stefan to the party.” I turned around and bumped into Stefan. “Oops. I’m sure it will come up now.” I blinked an eye at Elena and got into my car.

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