Chapter 13

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I didn't go with Jamie and Hunter when they took Jonathan to get a taxi, I just wanted to be alone. I just wanted to think about everything, but all I could do was cry.

It was around 2 AM when Jamie and Hunter got back from taking Jonathan. I was laid in the grass looking up at the clear sky when I felt someone looking at me. I raised up and seen Hunter there.

I got up and got into his arms, he held me tight and I never wanted to leave his arms. His breathing was so calming to me at that moment.

"Thank you for standing up for me once again." I told him when I pulled away and sat back on the ground.

"No need to thank me. I told you I'd always be here for you, nothing is going to change that. Not even you going clear to North Carolina." Hunter said lowly as he sat down beside me. "I remember when I first seen you, I just had to meet you. I had to have you near me. And that feeling of need has never left me. The day I broke up with you I had..." He began but stopped quickly.

"What is it?" I asked, worried. He looked really upset, sad even.

"It's nothing." He replied, he wouldn't look me in the eyes so I knew something was up.

"Tell me, you're scaring me." I begged.

He just shook his head and got up. He began walking towards the barn that was in front of us.

"Hunter tell me, please. I'm not going to leave you alone until you tell me." I cried out as he walked away.

"Fine Jena, you know how I told you I had to talk to you about something really important? And that it couldn't wait?" I nodded. "Well, I needed to see you to tell you that I was going to rent a house in North Carolina, so we could be together." He blurted out, I could see the tears forming in his eyes.

He turned away from me and walked into the barn. I followed and when I found him I seen him punch the wall at the end of the barn.

"Hunt, I'm..." I began but was cut off.

"No, don't be sorry. It's over. You made your decision to leave without even trying to see what was so important. Jena, we could have been happy together...we would most likely still be together." He paused and walked closer to me. "I loved you that much, I was willing to give up my life here in Georgia for you." He raised his hand and moved a strand of hair out of my face.

Then I done what I knew I was going to regret later, I ran. I ran out of the barn and to my car. I got in my car and drove. I drove to get away from him, I couldn't stand seeing him like that. When I finally stopped the car, I was at the beach. The beach that I had told Hunter so long ago about what I was going through.

I got out of my car, took my shoes off and threw them in the passenger seat. I walked down to the water, loving the sand between my toes. I had been back in Georgia for two days and I was already a mess, I had the whole summer to go.

I had been walking back and forth through the sand for what seemed like hours when I seen another vehicle pull up. I ignored it and continued walking.

"Jena, stop." Hunter called after me.

I slowed down and waited for him to come up to me. When he reached me he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug.

"Let me go Hunter, I'm fine." I hadn't noticed until now that I was crying.

He ignored my plea and hugged me even tighter. I pulled away from him then I began punching his chest. I don't know why I was doing it. He grabbed me and held me close to him.

"Look, Jena. I'm sorry for telling you that, I didn't want to tell you that." He whispered in my ear as he held me.

He finally let go of me and I dropped to the ground, I pulled my knees close and just cried.

"I treated you like shit after I found out I was going to be leaving for North Carolina and I'm sorry.."

"No, don't. You don't need to be sorry." He told me.

"Yes, I do. You have been there for me from day one and when you needed to tell me something I couldn't even spare a few minutes for you. I was a bitch." I replied.

"Don't call yourself that, you are far from that."

After he said that we just sat there in silence. We sat there for hours, when I looked at the time it was 6 AM and the sun was coming up.

"Well, we better be going." I told him and stood up.

I was loving watching the sunrise but I knew Jamie would freak out if he woke up and seen that we weren't there. I began walking up from the water when Hunter grabbed my arm.

He looked me in the eyes then down to my lips then back up to my eyes. I looked down at his oh so inviting lips and looked up at him, he smiled at me then leaned in. When his lips touched mine I got weak in the knees, my heart started racing and I could feel chills beginning to form throughout my entire body.

I knew I shouldn't be doing this but I just couldn't stop myself. My arms made their way around his neck and he picked me up and deepened the kiss. His lips were so intoxicating, I just never wanted to stop kissing him.

He pulled away from the kiss and smiled at me. Then I leaned back in and began kissing him again. His tongue snuck it's way into my mouth and we began making out like crazy. It felt amazing to be kissing him again, we had never kissed this passionate before though, but I was really enjoying it. I still had my legs wrapped around him as he deepened the kiss even more, if that was even possible.


Sorry for the short chapter, but I hope you enjoy.

Votes & Comments, pleaseee :)


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