Chapter 2

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It was the guy from Starbucks, he was leaning against the counter talking to my mom. I didn't know whether to run back into my room or just act like I wasn't rude to him earlier. Just as I was about to turn around my mom seen me and told me to come in and meet them.

"We've met." I told her while looking over at Hunter.He smiled at me and I felt the butterflies in my stomach go wild.

"Oh? Where at?" His mom asked looking at him.

"Starbucks, I went to get some coffee after going to the grocery store and she was working." He replied as he nodded over to me. I just turned my head, this was going to be awkward.

Dinner went better than I thought, Hunter was pretty nice so far but I still remembered the way he acted towards me earlier. May told mom she would help with the dishes so I walked into the living room to watch some television, Hunter followed me.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly.

"Sheesh, I didn't do anything to you." He said.

"The attitude you gave me today? I don't think that's nothing." I told him while rolling my eyes. I was watching the television when I seen his hand go up and I automatically flinched.

"I was just catching the lady bug." He told me with questions burning in his eyes.

My phone vibrated and when I looked down I seen a text from Jason. Coming over in a lil bit, see ya. Great, now I was going to get hit for being alone with another guy. I looked up and seen Hunter sitting there with his phone out.

A little while later there was a knock at the door, my dad got it and in walked Jason.

"Jason, this is Hunter. My mom's friends son. Hunter, this is Jason my boyfriend." I introduced them. Hunter said hey but Jason just ignored it and sat down beside me.

We all sat in silence for what seemed like centuries, until mom came in and told Jason his mom had called and wanted him to come home. I was somewhat relieved. He kissed me then left.

"How long you two been together?" Hunter asked breaking the silence. I just looked at him for a few seconds.

"About three years, why?" I asked with an attitude.

"You two don't seem that into each other, you two didn't even talk." He told me before getting up. I just rolled my eyes and looked at the television.

A little bit later Hunter and May left, so I went to my room to get some sleep before school tomorrow. I knew I was going to be questioned by Jason, so I had to come up with some good answers and hope like hell that he didn't get too mad about the situation.

I got up around 6 the next morning to get ready for school, I was taking my mom's car to school today because I had to leave early to pick up my aunt from the airport.

When I walked into the school I seen Jason talking to one of his friends and then looked over to see Hunter standing at the lockers. Hunter seen me before Jason and he instantly smiled at me. I was kind of confused to why he was smiling at me. Jason noticed me and walked over to me with hatred in his eyes.

"Why were you with that guy last night? Thinking about leaving me?" Jason asked as we walked down the hall way.

"His mom and my mom are friends and they came for dinner last night. I went into the living room to watch television and mom told him he could go with me." I replied, not wanting to look up at him. I looked out of the corner of my eye and seen the fury burning in his eyes. We didn't say anything else to each other as we walked, when we got to my class he kissed me and walked away.

"Jena, could you come here for a second? I have to ask a favor from you." Mrs. King asked me as soon as I walked in. I made my way over to her. "We have a new student in class and since you have the best grade in the class, I was hoping that you would help get him caught up." She told me.

"Yeah, Hunter right?" I asked. She nodded and smiled at me. I turned around to go to my seat and seen him sitting at the desk beside mine.

"So we meet again." I said as I sat down. He nodded and grinned at me, then the grin dropped. Oh no, did I miss a bruise, a cut or something? He didn't say anything so I figured it wasn't anything to do with me.

"Jena and Hunter, if you two don't mind would you go to the library after school to catch Hunter up?" Mrs. King asked as we walked out of class. I nodded, knowing Jason was going to be furious.

I left around 1 to go pick up my aunt and after I dropped her off at my grandma's house, I went to Jason's. I told Jason about the library and let's just say he was beyond pissed.

I walked into the library feeling really self-concious being that I had just gotten the shit beat out of me and I had no time to go by my house to fix my makeup so I just prayed to God that nothing was showing, I was too afraid to look in the mirror.

"What happened to your lip?" Hunter asked as soon as I sat down beside me. He had concern in his eyes and in a way I felt like my secret would be safe with him but I wasn't going to take that chance so I lied. I lied like I did everytime someone asked me a question about a bruise or cut.

" ran into some guy on the way in, he was running and ran smack into me." I felt like that was a pretty good lie, being that it had happened to me before. I couldn't tell if he believed me or not but he didn't question any further.

We stayed at the library for about an hour or so, then I got a text from my mom: I came by the library and got my car, I'm going to Grandma's. Ask Hunter if he can slip you home. Oh, this is just great. Another reason for Jason to hit me.

"Um, my mom came and got her car, could you take me home? If not, that's fi.." I was cut off by Hunter.

"Yeah, sure. I have nothing better to do 'til this weekend." He responded, looking excited when he said something about the weekend, it's only Monday and he's already thinking about the weekend.

"What's going on this weekend?" I asked when we got out of the library and made our way to his vehicle.

"Going back where we moved from for a mud bog. You should come." For some reason when he told me that I should come I got butterflies, he didn't say anything out of the way but I got nervous. I just nodded, knowing I could never do anything like that being that Jason would kill me if I went somewhere with some other guy.

"I couldn't do that." I told him nervously.

"You think your boyfriend would get mad, I know. Mom is gonna get your mom to come so maybe you could come with her. Bring your guy with you if you want." He said sounding kind of disappointed.

The truth was, I wanted to go. I've always wanted to go to a mud bog but never got the chance. Jason hated stuff like that, he said that only rednecks and hillbillies go to those things.

When we walked up to his truck, I fell in love with it. The truck was a red, lifted Chevrolet, it was gorgeous. When we got in he smiled at me and started the truck.

"But I'd really enjoy it if you came, so try to come Jena." Hunter told me as I got out of the truck.

"Don't tell anyone you brung me home, okay?" I asked as I stood there looking up at him sitting in the truck. He looked confused but nodded. I walked into the house and went straight to my room.

Author's Note:

Do you think she'll go? Does Jason find out about Hunter taking Jena home? Oh, so many questions I could ask.

Votes & Comments are welcome. :)


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