Chapter 23: Missing My Baby

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A/N: Hello my lovely readers. I hope you had a good day. Anyways I would like to thank emilym1570 for voting and commenting. I would also like to thank TeriahBowleg and Keyannah123 for voting. Thanks so much guys. Also thanks everyone else for reading. I am so excited I just made the cover for the sequel today and I can't wait to get started on writing that book. However I have to finish this one and I have know clue how I want it to end. I'm planning on doing 30 chapters for this book but I could possibly do more depending on what happens in the book. Also if you guys want I can do bonus chapters, like chapters in Loki's P.O.V. or anyone else's you want. With out further ado I present Chapter 23: Missing My Baby.

Loki and I had woken up at 8:30, his mom was downstairs making breakfast. We both took a seat at the table. She put our plates in front of us and we said grace then we began to eat.

''So how did you guys sleep last night?", she asked, looking between the both of us. I blushed slightly remembering what happened. We had tried to be as quiet as possible.

''Good.", we both said, paying special attention to our food.

''Anything interesting happened?", she asked.

''No." , we both said again.

''Blasphemy. I heard you two all last night, but its okay your father made a visit here last night.", she said, smirking slightly.

''Mom we did not need to know that.", Loki said, looking disgusted.

''And I did not need to know a lot of things that I heard last night.", she said, getting up from the table.

''Loki, your father will be here in a few minutes. Be ready.", she told him. Loki got up from the table and gave me a quick kiss. I heard a horn honk and I guessed that, that was Loki's dad.

''Bye honey. Bye mom.", he said, leaving out the door. That bastard never listens to me. I told him not to call me honey.

''So my mother will be here in 20 minutes. Why don't you go clean up?", she said politely. I guessed I looked terrible. I went up to Loki and I's room and hopped into the shower. I cleansed my hair and body before stepping out. I combed through my hair and blow dried it until it was straightened. After that I dried off and then I slipped on some high waisted black jeans and a black crop top with one of Loki's flannels. It smelt just like him. Yum. Anyways I walked back downstairs, but then I heard one of the babies start to cry. I went into their room and saw that it was Luke. I checked to see if he needed a diaper change but he didn't. I tried to breastfeed him, but he shoved my breast away. So I just stuck to holding him, which seemed to calm him down.When he was calm enough I put him back down in his crib. I walked back downstairs and saw Loki's mom, Karewren, talking to an older woman, who I'm guessing was her mother.

''This is Gwen, Loki's mate." , Karewren said, introducing me.

''Hey I'm Loki's grandma.", she said, hugging me.

''Nice to meet you.'', I said, hugging her back.

''Now let me go see my great grand babies.", she said, going up the stairs. I started following them up when my phone dinged. I took it out if my back pocket and saw that I had a text from Loki.

''Hey baby.", Loki texted me.

''Aren't you in a meeting?", I asked, texting him back.

''Yeah but it's boring as fuck. Send me some nudes.", he said.

''No. Your grandma and your mom is here.", I texted him.

''You know I'm going to be here all day. I can't even go home, which means we can't have sex. So I need something to masturbate to.", he texted back.

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