Chapter 2/ Author's note: Back to the Basics

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Short A/N

Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you for taking time out of your day to read my book it really means a lot to me. So thanks again. Also to whoever voted for the book I want to give a special thanks to you. If you wouldn't mind I would love for you guys to comment on what you think about the book. Thanks and enjoy reading. Now I present to you, Chapter 2: Back to the Basics.

"Hey wakeup." "Wakeup.", someone said, shaking me from my slumber. I swear I was going to kill them, I was having a dream about me and Channing Tatum we were finally about to get to second base.

"Leave me alone.", I said, stuffing my face in the pillow. I felt a big slap on my butt and I instantly woke up. I saw Loki standing next to me with a big smirk on his face. I was going to wipe that smirk off his handsome face. I grabbed my pillow and started hitting him.

"Why would you do that you butthole.", I said sounding out each word as I hit him upside his head.

"Ow Ow...Stop!.....C'mon we are even." , he said, wincing every time I hit him. When my arms got tired I finally stopped.

"Now why the heck did you wake me up at such an ungodly hour?", I asked Loki, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Actually its 11:00 and you have training in 45 minutes so get up."

"You mean we have training."

"No you have training, I have other shit to take care off."

"No you don't, you just sit in your office eating stuffed donuts."

"Gweneth I am ser-

'' How many times do I have to tell you that it is Gwen. No one calls me Gweneth."

"Your dad does sometimes."

"Your not my dad." , I said getting up out the bed.

"I kind of am, I mean I am alpha, a.k.a father to the pack."

"If that was the case we would all call you daddy.", I said rolling my eyes.

"Well I wouldn't mind you calling me daddy.", he said, smacking my butt.

'' Boy if you do that one more time, I'm going to kick your butt. Now right now I am going to go home and when I get home I am going to lay in my bed and eat my hot fries. I will not go to training, not today and not even tomorrow, comprende.", I said, grabbing my clothes off the floor.

"Do not forget your place. I am your alpha and what I say goes. Today you will go to training and every day after today you will to. And I mean I want you there on time 11:45 sharp. Do you comprende that?", he said grabbing my face.

"Look Loki I know that your whole little speech may get your other pack members in line, but it will not work on me. If you don't have to go to training then I shouldn't. Its plain and simple. Now I have a bed that is calling me at home so I must go.", I said, grabbing the door handle.

Loki grabbed me and pushed me against the wall,with my hands above my head. On one hand I was extremely angry, but on another I kind of found this hot.

"I have told you countless of times that you are to call me alpha. You are not to disrespect me or any of my rules, but you constantly do. I have no choice but to punish you.", he said,his eyes turning pitch black. I knew his wolf was out now and I was in trouble. Using his werewolf speed he had me over his knee, while he was sitting on the bed. I looked back at him and said seductively," Punish me, Alpha."

I was kind of hoping that me saying that would make him horny instead of angry. But sadly it didn't work. Instead he just smacked me on my ass really hard. I wouldn't lie it hurt but it also kind of felt good.

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