Nine : Noah

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She wasn't at class first period.

Or the next class we had together.

She wasn't even at lunch.

My closest friend, Aaron, noticed I wasn't paying attention to his story about how he got a girl in bed. I loved the guy like a brother, but he was a man-whore.

"You alright?" His black eyes questioned me.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You keep staring in the distance," his face lights up,"Hey! Is that how you make girls fall for you? The 'I'm mysterious-type of guy?'"

I laugh.

"Oh shit," he looks at me.

"What?" He doesn't answer. Just stares at me. "What you bloody idiot, what?" I was getting quite annoyed.

"You are totally into Tessa Blackwell!" He laughs at me, brushing his dark hair out of his face with his pale hand.

I stare at him innocently. "Why would you think that?"

"I thought you were just kidding," he ignores my question.

"About what?"

"When you kept staring at her yesterday, I thought you wanted us to think you liked her," he pauses. "You actually do like her!"

I look away from his gaze, Aaron always saw past me. We met when I first moved to Florida, he had a Russian accent, while I had a British. The kids would make fun of us so we just became friends. Now all girls dig out accents, but he uses his as an advantage. "Do not."

"Don't go for her man, she's the hardest girl to get," he looks at me, full of seriousness.

"Good thing I'm not trying at her," I lie. Well it wasn't really a lie, I was just truly interested in the girl I used to stare at when I moved here.

The bell rang.

I got up, and continued my day.



"I don't know Tessa," Vanessa whines. "It's too early to meet the parents."

I roll my eyes.

"I've been told I'm a bad influence," she says. "But I never let those lies get to me."

I raise my eyebrows,"Lies? You made me ditch school and I've never, never, missed one day of school in my entire life." I cross my arms,"A bad influence is an understatement."

She laughs.

"And my parents would love for me to have a friend. They always try to force-friend me."

"What the hell?" She throws her hands on the air. "Let's do it!"

I punch the air in success and get out of Vanessa's jeep.

I ring the doorbell and my worried mother pulls me into a hug. "Theresa! Where were you! I called around twenty times!"

"My phone was dead, and I was with a friend after school," I motion to Vanessa who smiles a confident smile.

Luckily, I remembered to change back into our uniforms before we came back to my house.

My mother turns to her, as if noticing her for the first time since we walked in.

My mother's face lights up. "Alec!" She runs to his study.

Vanessa looks at me with an amused expression on her face. I can hear my mother and father talking.

"She made a what?" My father screams.

Both of my parents plunge out of my father's study, smiles on their faces.

"Well, it's about time you had a social life!" My father shouts. I face-palm myself and Vanessa laughs.

"Hi, I'm Vanessa," she shakes my father's hand.

"Well Vanessa, it's a pleasure!" He beams. "Please, stay for din-" I cut him off.

"Well, we're gonna go upstairs now, not hungry!" I grab Vanessa and run upstairs.

I close my door and let out a sigh.

"Your place is fuckin' huge!" She shouts.

I think. "You know, we could have gone to Disney World on Saturday."

"No, there's a huge bonfire in the woods on Saturday," her face lights up,"which reminds me, we're going to that."

"What? No, I don't do parties," I squirm uncomfortably on my bed. She plops next to me.

"Come on!" She pouts, face-down into my comforter.

"No." I cross my arms.

She looks at me. "You're going, even if I have to knock you out, get you dressed, and wake you up at the party, you're going."

She stared at me, I doubted the she would do that.

I roll my eyes, looked her straight in the face, and said,"No."

She got up, handed me a piece of paper, which had her number, and simply said,"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you."

She turned and walked out, without saying a word.

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