One : Noah

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The room goes silent. My overly-aggressive father stares at me from across the table.

"Well you certainly didn't have to throw a plate, Michael." My mother scolds my father.

"You are going to your sister's party, Noah." He glares at me.

"Whatever." I moan in defeat. "But I will not speak to anyone. Her friends always hit on me."

"It's only because of your accent. It's a total chick magnet here in America." Macy, my 16-year-old sister laughs.

"Well it was fun the first couple years, now it's bloody annoying."

"Okay, enough." My mother laughs. "Macy, I trust you made well with Theresa Blackwell?" I flinch at her name, I've adored her since we moved here when I was twelve. But when she was around fourteen she became distant from everyone. Her parents even sent her away to an all-girls school for two years. I still remember her neon-green eyes making eyes contact with me for the first time.

"Ugh no, she's so annoying!" My sister's whiny voice snaps me to attention.

"But you don't talk to her," I question.

"Well her family is the reason we're the richest family in America. They were the only family to invest in us when no one else did, now look at us." My father beams with triumph, he adores the Blackwells, even though he never lets Macy and I go with him to visit them.

"Yes, yes. I will try," my sister says. I can tell she is lying. My sister, although younger than Theresa, constantly bullies her. I'm sure she envies her, what girl wouldn't? She has long, dark chocolate hair with glowing green eyes, she's marvelous.

I scoff,"Please, as if Macy will make an effort. She hates her."

"I do not!" She stands up, screaming at me.

"Why does she need to make amends anyway, father?" I ask my father.

He didn't answer.

"No," Macy whined. "No, no, no!"

"Macy, her family and ours are alliances."

"I don't care!" She screams.

I stay seated, thinking for a minute. "She's coming to her party?"



"I thought she didn't do those types of things," I squirm, uncomfortable with the idea of her and I in the same room. Especially while she's wearing a dress.

"Well, she's coming tomorrow. So I trust that the both of you will be on your best behavior." His blue eyes bore into Macy's brown ones.

"Whatever." She groans.

"Thank you, Macy."

"And Noah," I snap to attention,"please be courteous to Macy's friends."

I sigh,"I'll try father."

"Thank you," he smiles,"I'm very proud of the both of you." I fake a smile.

My father glances at his watch. "Why it's already eleven! Go on, Macy. You need your rest, big party tomorrow. And you as well Noah, off you go." I roll my eyes and get up.

"And Noah," I turn to my mothers voice. "Don't be a, what do yo call it here, uhh. Yes! Don't be a dickhead to Macy's friends." I laugh and turn around.

"No promises."


I enter my room and plop on my king-sized bed. Quietly, I turn on my computer. I click on the FaceBook icon and search up Theresa Blackwell. I completely forgot about the girl for years, even seeing her in the hallways at school, after she came back from the all girls school, but we never had any classes together. I refuse to friend her, but I used to always go on her profile, I haven't done it in years though.

I clicked on her profile and gazed at the girl. I scroll down, all the way to 72 weeks ago. I see a picture of her when she was twelve, a throw back Thursday post. I try to scroll but see I hit the like button.

"Shit!" I panic. I'm unsure of what to do so I unlike the post. Hopefully she wasn't online at the time. I close my computer and sigh. I undress down to my boxers and slip into bed falling asleep with Theresa in my mind.

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