Three : Noah

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I stare at the clock. It's been ten minutes since the party started and Theresa still hasn't showed up. Not that I care.

"So Noah," Macy's blonde friend says, snapping me to attention,"what was it like growing up in London?"

I give her the same answer as every other girl,"It was amazing. Maybe you'll see it one day for yourself." She clings to my arm, annoying me. Then I hear my father.

"Alec, so glad you could make it!" My father practically screams. I freeze. She looks straight at me. It was only for a second, but it felt like an hour. She looked absolutely beautiful. Theresa spots the blonde girl that was clinging to my arm and frowns. I quickly shake her off my arm while my father calls me over. Fuck. I walk over and on the way I take her in. She is wearing a long, neon blue silk dress. Her dark-chocolate hair pulled into a neat bun. Her neon green eyes see me coming and stiffens. I slow down. She saw that I liked her post. Oh bloody hell.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell," I smile and look into her big green eyes. "Theresa, nice to finally meet you," she smiles at me, but without teeth. I can automatically tell it's fake. Even though I must say it was pretty good. And no one else seemed to notice it.

"Please, call me Tessa," she fake smiles again. I can tell she despises being here, well there's something we have in common.

"Tessa," I offer. She brakes eye contact with me and walks away. I frown. Usually, I like it when girls don't throw themselves at me, but I feel as if she just ditched me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Macy and her friends scold her as she walks to them. Oh no. I walk over to my sister to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid.

"Tessa!" She smiles a cold smile,"it's not a pleasure."

"Macy," I mutter.

Tessa looks to me,"It's fine," she smiles at Macy. "Happy Birthday," she walks away, smiling. I hear her mutter "bitch" in the process and laugh to myself. Luckily, Macy didn't hear. I follow the girl to the bar.

"I'm so sorry about my sister," she looks at me thoughtfully, but I can she she doesn't really want to talk to me. Did I do something to offend her?

She just looks at me. After a long moment, she talks. "It's fine." She looks to the man serving drinks and asks for red whine. My eyebrows shoot up, surprised. She makes eye contact with me and puts her eyebrows up in return. I laugh.

"Ma'am, I need to see ID please," he can clearly tell she is under the age.

She slips out a hundred and I look away, feeling bad that she's making a fool of herself. I expect him to laugh in her face, but to my surprise, he takes it and hands her a bottle.

"Bye," she smiles, but never with her teeth. I sit there, stunned. For a second I thought she was going to invite me for a drink, but apparently she had other ideas. I ask myself why I care and I don't exactly have an answer. I shrug and watch her exit and head to the beach.



I can tell he was shocked I didn't invite him for a drink. Sometimes I feel I'm too hard on guys, but then again I don't, considering all they want is sex. He'll get over it. I slip out of my heels and head to the shore, I let the waves cover my feet and take a sip.

"Hey," a deep voice enters my ears. I gasp, wondering how he snuck up on me without me noticing. I take the boy in. He is tall, maybe just under six foot. He has black eyes and sandy blond hair.

"Hi," I say, turning my attention back to the ocean. Ugh just leave me alone.

"So, you gonna let me have some of that?" He signals to the wine that I was very much enjoying by myself. I nod no without looking at him and take a sip. He seemed shocked and changed the subject. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but are you at that bitch's party? Macy?"

I laugh. "Yes, I am," I turn away from him.

"Hey," his tone sharper, harder. His hand grips around my wrist. I freeze in my tracks.

I slowly turn, making sure to not alarm him.

"I asked a question," he grabs my hand harder.

"And I answered," I raise my eyebrows, adding more affect.

"No, I asked if I can have some," his eyes seemed to get darker.

I look him straight in the eye, and memories flash in my head. Mark's grip, hard. And how he threw me on the bed, face-down, suffocating me. I gasp and hand him the bottle. He smiles. "So princess," why can't he leave me alone? "Wanna get outta here?"

"No-" he grabs my hand and pulls me. I'm too scared to make a noise, I stay quiet and follow. He presses me up against the Phillip's building and holds me there while he chugs half the bottle down.

"Please-" I cry, but he presses his arm against my throat, chocking me.

He leans into my ear, and I shift uncomfortably, "Don't talk or I will crush your windpipe right here and right now." Tears fall down my face and I start to panic. He chugs the rest of the bottle down. I become afraid. That was very strong.

He throws the bottle and it smashes on the tile. He takes his arm off my throat, allowing me to breath. I gasp for air, coughing as I try to breathe.

"Please," I gasp, memories crawling into my head. Mark's voice yelling at me to shut up. The pain. Oh the pain. I felt him inside of me, making me bleed. I try to scream, but I'm in too much shock.

He leans in and, laughs. He lets go of me, "Macy! Please tell me you got her reaction!" Macy and her friends appear out of the bushes.

"Drew that was great!" She says between breaths, laughing. I wipe my tears away, not sure wether to be relieved or raged.

I fall to my knees. I hear Noah screaming at Macy.

"What in the name of fuck did you do!" He kneels next to me and rubs my back.

I can't breathe. Mark's face enters my mind. Him moaning and me screaming, flailing my arms around, trying to get him off of me. Him stuffing a pillow in my face to make me stop. I couldn't breathe.

"Oh my god! What's happening to her?" One of Macy's friends says.

I'm on the floor, the last thing I see is Noah's concerned face before I closed my eyes.



I stand up, ordering the blonde that was clinging to me earlier to get help.

"I didn't mean to do this, I swear," Drew says. I look at him and realize, he was pretending he was about to rape her.

I slowly walk over to him. His eyes look scared. My body reacted before my brain did. My knuckle connected with his face and I heard a snap! as blood left his nose.

"Shit!" He screamed. I turned and knelt next to Tessa. I combed her hair out of her face.

"What happened?" I hear Jessica Blackwell scream when she saw her daughter. I moved away, giving her family space.

My father grabbed me, "Did you do this?" His eyes screamed angry.

"What?" I asked, surprised he would accuse me of such a thing. "No! It was Macy! She set up a prank that involved someone causing her a fucking panic attack!"

My father looked at her, "Is it true?" Macy looked down and nodded. My father's eyes seemed to be on fire. "Go to your room." He said steadily.

"But-" she cried.

"NOW." He pointed to the house.

I looked down at Tessa. A pain formed in my heart for her. I'm unsure why, but it was there.


I settled into bed, logging into FaceBook. I searched up Tessa and took a deep breath. Then, with all my confidence, I added her as a friend. I smiled to myself, knowing how stupid I was, thinking it was some "bold move" or something.

I lay in bed and stare at the roof. I hope she'll be okay. That was a terrible thing my sister did. And that stupid knob- head of a boy. I didn't feel bad for punching him. Turns out I broke his nose. Bastard deserved it.

My computer lights up and I check it. I see that Tessa friended me back. I smile and go to sleep, knowing she was okay.

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