Two : Tessa

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"Tessa!" My mom yells at me from down stairs.

"What?" I shout back.

"Get down here! It's time for dinner!"

Ugh. I walk down the stairs and join my parents for dinner.

My mother smiles at me, oh god I know that smile.

"Who's party?" I ask, very unhappy that I have to dress up for another one of my parents stupid parties.

"Macy Phillips' sweet sixteen," she smiles at me.

I think on the topic carefully. Although I already know I'm going to have to go, I'm not going without a fight. "No." I say firmly, narrowing my eyes to prove a bigger point.

"Now, Tessa," my mother's voice grows small,"I know you both aren't very fond of each other, but our families are very close."

"No we're not. We gave them money, they got rich, payed us back, they're grateful. That's it. We invested in them and now we're both rich."

"It's more than that, our families are very similar-" I cut her off.

"No. I'm not close with any of them. Macy hates me, I hate her, and I sweet-talk the parents when I have to. That's pretty much it."

"What about Noah? Their son?" My father smiles. I think on that. When they first moved here from England, Noah would always stare at me. I'm unsure why, not much to see. I was pretty fond of his features too, he had pitch-black hair and shocking blue eyes. He is hot, I'm not gonna lie. But when I finally got the nerve to talk to him, I was raped by Mark, as bad as that was, he was my uncle my fucking uncle.

"What about him?" I ask, widening my eyes to add innocence.

"What kind of relationship do you have with him?"

"I don't know the guy, nothing to it," I say.

"Well, you're going to that party, no buts." My father says, firm and cold.

I cross my arms. "No I'm not."

He gets up. "Now Alec, no need to get upset." My mother starts to panic.

"I'm not upset," he laughs,"I'm perfectly fine!" He says a little too cheery. Shit. He clears his throat,"Theresa Alex Blackwell," I shiver in my seat. Here we go. "You are going to that party," he is now talking through gritted teeth.

Before he brakes something, I cut in,"Fine!"

"Thank you," my dad smiles and sits down.

"Whatever," I stare at my now cold meatloaf. "Lost my appetite, may I be excused?"

My mother scolds me,"Our new maid made that special, at least take a few bites, I think she's watching." She signals to the kitchen. I lean back and sure enough, our new young red-headed maid was staring straight at my family with white teeth, smiling, seeing that my mother enjoyed it.

"Fine," I stab my meat and eat a few bites before I rush upstairs.

"Tessa!" My father shouts.

"Yes?" I'm already at my door, waiting for him to reply so I can go on my computer.

"Your mother bought you a new dress for tomorrow, make sure you put it away carefully, it's slick!" I hear my mother correct him downstairs.

"Oh! Sorry it's silk!"

"Will do," I slam the door, annoyed that they didn't let me choose what to wear, considering I hate these parties with people. Or people in general.

I see the box on my king sized bed. I groan and open the box. I gasp, it was breathtaking. But I could never wear this, I could tell it would be tight and for some girls, they would take it as a good sign, but I'm not exactly confident. I mean, I'm not depressed and hate everything about myself, but I'm not best friends with myself either.

I walk it over to my walk-in closet and hang it up carefully.


My computer lights up and I walk over to see the notification. It say that Noah Phillips liked my post from, 72 weeks ago? What? We're aren't friends. Was he stalking me? I sigh and shake it off. It was pretty strange that he just liked my post and doesn't friend me. Maybe I should friend him? No. I yawn and look through Netflix for Romance movies to end at the bad parts. After looking long enough I find Getting that Girl. Which was horrible. I mean, he fucked another girl when he "loved" the other one. I'm not really tired so I turn on my favorite television series. After finishing the last season I see that it's six in the morning.

"Shit!" I whisper. I then realize how tired I am. I plug in my headphones and connect them to my phone. I turn on Pvris and fall asleep quickly.


I wake up to my mother violently shaking me.

"Tessa! Wake up!" My mother screamed.

I groan and look at the time. "Mom, it's seven."

"Seven in the afternoon!" I she that she is dressed up for Macy's party. I check the clock. Shit!

"I slept all day?" I say, getting up.

"Come along, get ready! The party is in one hour."

"Fine." I usher my mother out and head to the shower.


After I finished styling my hair with a braided bun, leaving my side bangs out, I went to my closet and gazed at my dress. It was beautiful. I slowly put it on and gazed at myself. The neon-dark blue dress fit me perfectly, making my hips appear bigger and perfectly cupping my breasts. It had no straps and it was absolutely perfect. Just not perfect for me.

I slipped on six-inch blue heels and let my dress fall to my feet. I applied light makeup and put on diamond earrings and a blue jeweled necklace.

I closed my door behind me and walked down the stairs. My mother greeted me with teary-eyes.

"What?" I asked a little too sharply.

"You look so beautiful," she smiled. Then slapped my arm. "This is why you should come with us more often!"

"You look stunning sweetie," my dad says,"now lets go, we're already ten minutes late."

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