Four : Tessa

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My head hurt like hell. The first thing I heard was the heart monitor. I tried to get up but gentle hands pushed me back down. I stared to panic. What happened?

I look up to see who the hands belonged to, my mother. "Hi sweetie," she sighed. Then it all came back to me. Macy and her stupid friend pretended he was going to rape me. I suddenly became enraged.

My father stands next to my mother. Instead of looking relived like my mother, he seemed pissed. "Why were you drinking?" Appalled, I just gaped at him.

I laughed,"Are you serious? I fucking have a panic-attack, and the only thing you care about is that I was fucking drinking?"

He seemed even more pissed at that, but I continued. "You and I both know why I panicked." I scolded him, disapproval all over my face. "Please tell me that Macy got in some kind of trouble."

My father didn't reply.

I scoffed and laid back down, away from them.

"Macy said she was sorry, so we are not pressing charges against anyone."

I turned towards him,"Dad, he was going to crush my windpipe." My father did not reply to that. I scoffed. "Whatever, when am I getting out?"

"Today, all of us are going to the Phillips for dinner. Macy wants to apologize."

I went still, and sat up slowly, I was still very sore. "Those British snobs don't apologize, they don't care what they do because they're rich."

"Theresa that is not away to talk about our closest friends-" I cut him off.

"Friends!" I am screaming with fury, a few nurses look my way,"friends don't make each other have panic-attacks!"

"Now Tessa-"

"Friends don't hire people to pretend they're about to fucking rape me!" I lower my voice,"Especially when I've already been raped." I look at my parents,"And you did nothing about it."

"Tessa!" My mother looks around, making sure no one heard the last part. "We agreed we would never talk about that."

I crossed my arms and got out of bed.

"Where do you think you are going?" My dad scolds me.

"I'm gonna pee," I walk out of the room, searching for the bathroom.

A short, blonde nurse approaches me,"Ms. Blackwell, are you okay, this is the second time you've been out of bed!"

What? "Wait," I ask,"when was I ever out of bed?" I ask, confused.

"You came to me and asked if you could use my phone for FaceBook or something, ma'am, something about wanting to be his friend." I thanked the lady and walked away from her. I wonder who "he" was.


After ten minutes of looking, I finally found the bathroom. I washed my face, not really needing to pee, just needed out of my room with my parents breathing down my neck. I looked at myself carefully, my hair was a mess and my green eyes looked grey. My skin was a lot paler than it actually was.

I patted down my hair until it was semi-decent. I rushed out of the bathroom and slammed into someone. We both fell to the ground.

"Shit!" He shouted, as he and I plummeted to the ground, the flowers in his hands scattering everywhere.

I gasped. "Ow!" I screamed as he landed on top of me.

He quickly gets up, grabbing my hand to help me. I flinch at his touch,"I can help myself up, thank you." I look at the stranger that rudely crashed into me. We make eye contact, oh, Noah.

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