I. 1.7. Ambrose

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This is the last part of Chapter 1. This is dedicated solely to Ambrose. ^^,


When a person comes to know love they also learn how to lie and hurt others.

I open the small rectangular box gently. Inside is where I put the lustrous red flower candy that Ambrose gave me. Two days had passed since that day. I smiled remembering the way he grinned at me as he constantly tried to make me eat the candy. He’s such a child, a sweet thoughtful friend.

“Now, I have more reason not to eat this.” Hugging my knees I close my dead tired eyes and the memories flooded back at me.

“So how was it?” Ambrose asked me with the same giddiness he wore whenever he had something for me. His nose and cheeks are pinkish like apples.

“Bitter.” I said pinching then rubbing my nose.

“Really? Let me try.” He took the red one on my palm and put it into his mouth. “This one is sweet like cheery. I guess you have no luck on guessing.” I snorted and took another candy ball into my mouth. This time it the yellow one. The moment it melts inside my mouth I tasted that sharp sour flavor that slightly biting my tongue. I winced and rubbed my nose again. Ambrose laughed until his stomach hurts. Wanting to get my revenge I took the chance to shoot the remaining green candy ball into his wide open mouth. He was surprised but he didn’t spit it out. But after a few seconds he winced and spit the green candy to the ground.

“Yuck! It’s salty! Why do they even sell that?”

I started to laugh and he joined me. A moment later, from his pocket he took another bag of candies. He juggled the small plastic and handed it to me.

He grinned widely at me and said, “They’re all red. You like sweets right?”

“If Ambrose knew the red ones are sweet you should’ve not forced Ania to eat the white one first!”

“Heehee, I like to see all of Ania’s expression!” He said with satisfaction. “Come on try it.”

I stuffed one in my mouth and it tastes heavenly when it slowly melts in my mouth. “So sweet!!”

“Isn’t it” I offered him some but he just shook his head and put his right hand on his face then stared at me. “I knew it.”

“Hm?” I chomped another candy in my mouth.

“You’ll give me that face when I give those to you.”  

“Whauf fafe??”

“This.” He pinched my cheeks and pulls it.


“You look cuter like this.” He grinned and let my cheeks go.

“I don’t think having Ania’s cheeks stretched is cute.”

He chuckled. “You really think so?”

“Ahuh!” Ambrose chuckled and lie down in the grass and put his hands under his head., translucent blue eyes reflecting the same blue sky. I always thought Ambrose eyes look like the clear skies, vibrant and free-spirited.

“Hey Ambrose.”


“What color does Ambrose like?”

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