1.4. The Circus Awakens

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Wahh...finally made it through..it's been so long. Well here it is. Thanks for reading! ^^ Have a great Day.


Like two notes dancing together they announce his arrival.

I wiped my lips with my arms and dared not to look at his eyes. “Why did you do that?” I said biting my lip.

“I’m sorry.” Ambrose said weakly. “I didn’t think it through. I knew it was a bad idea.” My heart throbbed. I can almost see the weak smile in those words. “I thought maybe it will work this time.”  I clutched my arms. It’s not that I didn’t notice feelings. I do but I tried to ignore it. He’s always supporting me and I wish I can support him back. Ambrose is so close to a brother to me and he’s so important to me.  I’m afraid that I’ll hurt him in the end. But I know by ignoring him I was hurting him still. I should have said no and take my hand away from the start. It was such a foolish act.

“Its fine.” I said. Here I go again. “Just don’t do it ever again.” I held my breath with that. I know that will hurt him.

“Thank you.” he said so painfully sweet I winced. Why do you have to be so kind to me? You always make me feel like this when you say something dearly and I tried to push it back.

“I hope you can still accept this.” He handed me brown paper bag.

I took it and said, “Thank you.” I heard him sighed and he patted my head.

 “Why am I always defeated by you? You little runt!” He shook my head and then pulled my cheeks.

“Ouch! You’re pulling my cheeks off!” He laughed and pulled it harder. “Stop it! Ambrose!”

“No! You’re much cuter like this.” He laughed even louder and I smiled. He’s back to his usual self. “I hope I cannot like you this much.” He said gently. “I cannot stop myself. I’m sorry. But as much as I want you to be mine. I don’t want you to avoid me—” He stopped pulling my cheeks and cupped my face.  “So I want you to forget what happened tonight.” He smiled. Why does he always smile? Why do you always smile Ambrose? If you’re hurt you should frown. Don’t always smile because if you do that I’m going to think you’re really stupidly making me hurt you all the time.

The night winds started to get colder and I can distinctly feel Ambrose warmth as we walk our way back to the tent, talking like we usually do. I’m glad that he was back to his happy self again. I’m glad we are back to normal even if it’s only a façade. The sky is still clear with few stars shinning dimly on the vast dark sky. It will be much more uplifting if the sky was not as empty as this.

“Hey why don’t you open it?” Ambrose pokes my cheek to get my attention. “I really want to see your expression when you see it.” He said pouting. He’s acting like a child again. I grinned.

I open the lid carefully and found a red crystal flower with green leaves. It’s so beautiful. “It’s candy.” He said smiling widely. He looks like a dog wagging his tail.

 “Really? It so beautiful.” I said admiring the flower. I inhaled its scent. It’s so sweet. “It’s really a candy!”

He’s smile grow wider.“I know you’ll like It.” he said proudly like a big brother to his sister.

“Thank you!”

“Now eat it.”

“What? No! I won’t eat it!” I said almost shouting.

“Eh? But you’re supposed to eat it.” He fakes a frown. “Eat it now!”

“I don’t want to. It will be such a waste if I ate it.”

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