1.6. My Anatolia Part 1

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=_+ finally had the chance to put this up..well have a nice day and thanks for reading!


Like the ghostly wind that softly blows on my hand, he appeared without warning. With his eyes open he envelops my body with utterly coldness and then burns it with his madness. And today I’ll carve his name into my grave, for he had carved mine long before we met.

It was something I never saw before. Unlike any other performance it seized our eyes with its undeniably horrific show. And tonight his death was the highlight.

 I always thought that if I saw someone die, it will be a natural death. But when I saw Ambrose falling from the trapeze and found the man with a top hat seating at the bleachers with his eyes full of bitter enjoyment I just know I will never witness such normal death ever again.

The one that covers the sky.

 And rises at the fall of the sun.

The signal of death.

The beginning of life.


Murmurs. I can hear them brushing into my ears like gurgling sound of the night rain pouring outside the tent. Its been a while since we had night rains like this and up until now it feels strange in my ears.

I closed my eyes and let the darkness seep into my eyes. The gong banged below my feet creating a deep chanting sound of earth and the murmured stopped in a whip. All around me i can hear the voice of the earth's creatures singing lyrical notes that sounded like prayers announcing my arrival. At this point one thing only crosses my mind that is I’m the dancer of the sky, the painter of the future and the maker of dreams and my stage name is Aurora.

The banging gongs grow faster and louder. The sound of the hunt. Cold voices joined the hunting, reaching my feet like vine crawing at my feet, calling my name. Begging and pleading pricking my skin with anguish until I had enough. I streched my arms wide open and making the ribbons on my hand. I think of it as an extension of my wings. A song broke out from their hearts resembling the song playing in my mind.

 I open my eyes and it all begun.

 “It started.” Canary stated as she watch the red haired girl sleekly dance across the rope like a ribbon gliding in the air. She admired Ania. The first time that Master Logus assigned her to the spaced out little girl she doubted if she can even stand in high places.

She heard Master Logus took in the child when she was still a baby. It was six years before she joined the troupe. Ania was a very strange kid. She's very quite considering that she grew in a family of performers and spaced-out a lot. Mostly on rainy days. She never saw her speak as much as she does when she was with Master Logus or with Ambrose. She feels like she was talking to another person whenever she looks on her forest green eyes as if those eyes do not belonged to her. When Ania turned eight, Master Logus asked her to train Ania to be a tightrope walker. The idea sounds horribly wrong for her but she complied to the master's wish. She thought she could pull some strings to make her do the things she bid and she was hoping that she might be able to awaken some of the child's senses. But she realized it will be tough as the first day of their training arrived.

Canary felt that unfamiliar presence on her eyes whenever she look at them. It made her doubt if the girl can even hear her.  After all day of talking to the eight years old child who doesn't even respond to single question she asked, she has all intentions to give up on her. But a night after that Ania returned with this unsual happiness registered on her pine colore eyes. As if all life has returned to her body once and for all. Ania smiled at her which sends chills on the back of her neck as she saw excitement glowing on her eyes.

The girl said cheerily, “Please teach me that again Canary? It looks really fun.” She thought she heard it wrong and asked her again. The girl repeated herself it left Canary surpirsed. All of a sudden the girl seems to be more intersted in the lesson. She felt really incredible that day.

With just a month interval Ania was able to master all of it. But what bewildered the young instructor was the fact that Ania was able to dance skillfully and smoothly in the rope with just a month of practice. She dances on the rope like a ribbon dancing on the wind. Though there is still some room for improvement but Ania was a child to begin with but because she displayed incredible improvement in just short period of time Canary saw the potential in her. She has limitless future. Ania can paint her own dreams and make it come true.

Canary look at her dancing on that rope still as astonish as she was eight years ago. She grew so fast and so is her performance. She cannot stop looking at her when she dances. Ania has that talent that captivates every person watching her. As if with her movements she can create a replica of the unearthly auroras dancing silently at night in that small space of the tent.

She's enjoying herself. Dancing on a song she can only hear. Canary doubt that Ania can even hear the music they were making for her background music. She has her own music in her head. LIke she's living in a different world when she is dancing. There are times in Canary's life that she can hear other music than the members prepared for Ania's performance when she dance. As if the song playing in her head is being transmitted into her ears momentarily and then it will be replaced by the common gongs and voices of the band. It's weird but strangely it happens. At first it sounded like rustling leaves that somehow sings along with the wind then later it develops in a more eerie or unnerving chanting voices.

It was disturbing but Canary found it captivating.

Ania made several swirl and then jumps carelessly on the rope as the song near its end then landed with perfection on the rope.


The crowd roared.

“She’s really amazing and talented! Good work!” Canary flashed a proud smile at her student and joined the crowd applausing. On the midst of excitement energy was drained from Canary when she saw something horrible flashed on her student's eyes.

On those forest green eyes, something that shouldn’t be there is flashing back at her.

Something that Ania shouldn’t have while standing in that rope.

Something she taught her student to not possess while performing.


The crowd gasps as Ania fell out of balance and slipped.

“Ania!” Canary gasped and Ambrose suddenly came swinging from the trapeze just in time to catch Ania. On the other side she saw Marcus waiting and helped them to safety. JUst like they say the show must go on. Ambrose made a bow. He was followed by Marcus and Ania who managed to force a smile and waved her shaky hands. It marked the ending of Ania's performance and the audience accepted it as part of the show. The crowd roared from the thrill. For Canary it was different. She was shocked and worried. She knew exactly it wasn't part of the show. It couldn't be. it was far too dangerous. As if to confirm her intuition she glanced at the master and she knew she was right. Their master was as pale as duck. Life being drained from those cheery eyes. It was not part of the show.

It wasn’t part of the performance.

What just happened? Canary asked herself.


Hi there Ciel Here..^^ Anyway here it is the next chapter. To those who are reaing this Thank you very much for your support and criticisims. I really apprecite it and it insipre me to do more. Although these past few days it was hard for me to get insipiration coz of work and such. Anyway. I love this two chapter so much it is divided into two parts since i realized it was too long...^^, Then have a great day! By the way i hope you listen to the song I'll post to the part 2 since it so amazing and sad song. It really suit the following scenes on that story..Its a japanese song so i searched for the translation. The song is MIssing You By LIsa Komine. If any anime fans knows her..^^,

Well Ja Ne!

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