Jeff The Killer x Male!Reader Part 4!

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*Your Pov.*

It's been a few days when Jeff started staying in my house, he'd go off somewhere and I'd go to work. But today I was off, and alone.

I was just laying on the couch looking up at the ceiling, thinking of a song.

I closed my eye's and fell asleep.

-A few hours later-

I woke up from a sound in the house, it was late in the night, so I figured it was Jeff.

I closed my eye's again and then something round and wet landed on my stomach.

I opened my eyes and it.....was.....Paige's head!! I screamed and looked up.

A guy with horns on top of his head, and he had seven mouths on him. He looked kinda like the devil, but scarier.

"Hello~" He cooed, took Paige's head from me, threw it across the room and got ontop of me and pinned my wrists to the couch.

I started shaking and struggled, I finally managed to get him off me and ran upstairs.

*Zalgo's Pov.*

(Your name) ran away from me.

I smirked and went upstairs.

He's so adorable, I want him.

*Back to you*

I was hiding under my bed, with my hand over my mouth.

'What is that?! What is that!?' I screamed in my head.

"Oh (your name)~ Come out where ever you are~" He sang.

I stayed still, then suddenly I was grabbed by my ankle and pulled from under my bed.

He threw me onto my bed and crawled ontop of me.

"There you are~" He cooed in my ear.

I screamed again.

*Jeff's Pov.*

I walked in (your name)'s house and saw his friends head on the floor.

oh no.

Then I heard a scream coming from upstairs.

Zalgo wasn't supposed to come here!!

I ran upstairs to (your name)'s room and say Zalgo, and under him was a shaking (your name).

Zalgo noticed me a smirked.

"Seems you've come~" Zalgo said.

"Get off him...NOW!" I growled.


I threw my knife at Zalgo, only missing him by a few cm.

"Fine, I'll leave, but I'll be back." And with that he was gone.

I went over to (your name), he was shaking pretty bad.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"W-who was t-that?" He asked.

"That was Zalgo, he has alittle obsession with you." I told him.

"H-he killed P-Paige." He said, tears welling up in his eye's.

I hugged him close to me and stroked his hair.

"I know he did, I'm sorry." I told him.

After a few minutes of (your name) crying cuz of what had happened, he fell asleep in my arms.

I layed down and covered us with a blanket and drifted off to sleep.

Jeff The Killer  x Male!Reader!Where stories live. Discover now