Jeff The Killer x Male!Reader Part 3!

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*Your Pov.*

-The next morning-

I woke up and I didn't feel  any arms around my waist, or a body next to me.

I sat up and looked next to me and didn't see Jeff sleeping next to me.

Guess it was a dream.

I got up and went downstairs, "Jeff?" no answer.

Oh please make it be just have been a dream.

I walked in the kitchen and saw a note on the counter, written in blood.

' Dear (your name),

I went out and won't be back till night.

Love, Jeff.'

Great, it wasn't a dream.

I sighed and looked at the clock, 9:04.

Almost time to leave for work.

I went upstairs and took a quick shower, got dressed and went to work.

When I walked in, Paige came up to me with a big grin.

"So how did you sleep?"

"Good. And what's with the grin?" I asked.

"Well, I was passing by your house after my shift last night, and I saw a guy in a white hoodie, holding a knife enter your house?" Paige replied.

Oh no, she knows.


"So, Jeff's not real huh? I know that was him enter your house!" People started staring at us.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the break room.

"What did you two do?!" Paige started asking.

"We did nothing, and you don't tell ANYONE Jeff is real. You know police are after him, if you slip up, your going to get Jeff in trouble, plus us thrown in jail!" I exclaimed.

"Ok, ok, I'll keep my mouth shut."

"You better."

We walked out of the break room and went back to work.

-After 14 hours of working-

"My shifts over, Paige." I say putting on my jacket.

"Kay, be careful." Paige says.

"I will." I say and leave.

When I opened the door, Jeff grabbed my wrist, slammed the door and pushed me onto the couch.

"Where were you?! I got worried about you!" He hissed in my ear.

"I was at my job, I need money so I can live in a house." I said.

"At least leave a note like I did." Jeff replied.

"Ok, I will next time." Jeff nods, says thank you and gets off me.

I take off my jacket and put it next to the door.

"Where were you all day?" I ask.

"Oh, u-ummm, nowhere." He looked a little nervous.

"Ok then? I'm going to bed, I had a hard day at work."

"Kay, I'll be up soon."


And with that I went upstairs to sleep.

Jeff The Killer  x Male!Reader!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora