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"Hey, please! Don't do this. Speak up, Susan!" She was taking too much time to tell her future husband's name.

"Allan." Finally she spoke.

"What! Are you serious? Allan? Allan Grayson? The one from our college? Theo's friend?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Exactly the same."

"For fúck sake! I knew there was some spark between you guys from the day we took Allan with us to the party but I didn't knew the spark had so much intensity that it would lead into the the fire of marriage. Oh my god! Susan you are marrying him! I just can't believe. I am so surprised and so happy too. Allan is a perfect guy."

"I know and I am completely the opposite. I don't know how he fell for me. I am unorganised and he on the other is well-organised. I am this wild and crazy girl, and he, he is sophisticated and simple guy."

"So, what? This is the reason babe,why it's said- Opposites attracts. So when are you planning to get married? Where are you planning to have your wedding? And where's Allan these days?"

"I am calling you, to discuss all this only. I don't want any of your excuses this time. We've decided 11th of the next month. And I want you here with me in one week for one whole month. I want you to move in with me. You are going to be my maid of honor and I want you to help me with everything and by everything I mean, EVERYTHING! I won't let you miss anything and Allan too wants the same. He is gone to Seattle for some work and will be back to NY by next week. Okay so, I want you to talk about your one month leave, tomorrow itself and I know your company won't hesitate even a bit from giving you leave. They'd be just more than happy. You have shown your complete dedication since last three years. It's just unbelievable, Alice!"

"What is?" I asked.

"How can someone work continuously for three long years without even a single break? And that too, you! You and working! All of it just don't fit into an equation. An equation of you."

"Please, Su! Don't start over it again. You've got your wedding to focus on. And why do I need to come and move in with you that too like for whole one month, before your wedding. One week would do!" I said annoyed. Susan still could intimidate me sometimes.

"Dude, it's my wedding and you want to join me only a week before! You really gotta be kidding me! I am not asking you, okay! I am telling you that I want you here in my home within this week. Today is what? September 8 and a Sunday. I am giving you time till Thursday. Finish all your work and stuff and by Friday evening, I want you at my place."

"Before I promise anything, I want to know something." I know there was no way that she's let me back out but I was okay with it, if I made sure of one thing.

"Anything, Allie! What do you want to know?" I guess she knew what I wanted to know.

"You are marrying Allan, so that means obviously there will be people from his side as well. And there is a possibility that Theo.."

"Theo isn't coming to the wedding. Allan talked to him and invited him but he said he won't be able to make it. He's busy that time or maybe that's an excuse or whatever. But the main thing is he won't be there. And please don't tell you will kiss a goodbye to my wedding because of that lame loser."

"Susan. Please!" I stopped her before she could say anything about Theo, anymore. "Okay, I will come then, I promise. I will be your maid of honor. Happy now?"

"Yay! Yes, I am so happy. I missed you so much. And yes, one more thing?" I knew she was keeping something.

"What now?"

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