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"What do you want to know?" Neil said, resting his head on the back of the bench where we settled down and closed his eyes.

"I know now, why you are here in New York. So, now I want to know, how did you know where I was that day and how did you made it, exact on time?"


"What hmm? Answer." I demanded when he still didn't opened his eyes.

"As I reached New York, I called you up. But you didn't answer even once. I texted you on w
WhatsApp, iMessage and everywhere else, but still there was nothing from you. I checked Instagram as well! But there too, since so many days, no uploads. Then, while scrolling up and down on Facebook, I read few of your friends updates. They were all about, um-m, about your um-m.."

"About my parents death!" I said bleakly.

"Ya! And, then I was worried and angry as well!"


"Yes, angry."


"Because, all this happened and you didn't even tell me."

"I didn't tell anyone. I was lost then. I was unable to think anything straight."

"Yeah, I understand now. But more than angry, I got worried when I called you again but still there was no answer. I knew you were in upper Manhattan but where exactly, I had no idea. Then, I recalled that you once mentioned Hudson Heights, where you live. I took a cab and came from my hotel to Hudson Heights. It was only after I reached here, I realised that it wouldn't be easy at all to find your appartment. I knew you even sometime told about your appartments name but it wasn't just coming to my mind. The driver was pestering me about where and when will I get down as it was almost an hour since we were just moving on and on. I myself had no idea where to go or where my destination is. So, I got off from the cab and started on foot. That was when my attention was taken by a board on one of the boundary walls of an appartment. It read Pinehurst Appartment. That's when the name struck me. It was all my luck that I was standing outside your appartment."

I felt a brisk wind on my face.

"I don't believe in luck." I snorted.

"I do now."

"Then?" I said heedlessly after his last statement.

"Then, the only problem was I didn't know exactly you stayed on which floor. It wasn't a big deal to know though, but still. I was entering when I collided with someone. As, I turned around to say sorry, I saw a girl and her face seemed so familiar. She was in a hurry and so didn't stop. I turned back and started walking when I realised the reason why her face looked so familiar. She was your friend, Susan! I had seen her on many of your photos on your social networkings and she had many uploads on your timeline. I ran behind her and called her. She stopped but was confused how I knew her name. So, I told her about who I was but it turned out that she already knew me but didn't recognise as she never saw my face. You must have told her about me. I asked her then what happened, why was she in such a hurry and where were you. Her face dropped completely as I asked and I knew there was something very wrong. She was almost on the verge of crying. I calmed her down. Then she started talking."

"What did she talk about? She was in my appartment?"

"Yes, she came to see you when you didn't show up to college and did not even return any of her calls or messages. But when she reached, your door was already open. She ended up in your room when she couldn't find you anywhere in the house. But you weren't even there. She panicked and didn't know what to do or where to find you. So, she tried calling you again. And, you smarty-pants, left your phone in your room which made her worry more. She went to your phone and unlocked it. As the phone got unlocked, your search results for how to commit suicide popped up which made her panic again. She ran to look for you on the terrace and then she was leaving to look for you around when she bumped into me."

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