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"So, Theo's matching donor haven't been found yet." I said slowly as I took my seat.

"Yes, we haven't got a perfect donor." He replied.

"So how long will it take?" I queried.

"I cannot say anything exactly at this moment. This isn't under my control. All we could do is find or wait." He rolled up his shirt's sleeve.

"And what if it gets too late by the time he gets a donor?" I let my fear out finally.

"You have to be positive, Alice."

Positive. Yeah, right! But tht was the last thing I could do with all that stress around.

"Umm, Theo and, umm, I share the same blood group, doctor." I finally started for what I actually came.

"But we can't let you donate your heart." He plainly replied.

"And why?" I felt little agitated.

"Because the person donating the heart should be declared brain dead by atleast two of the doctors. Otherwise, it's not possible. Moreover, it isn't just about the same blood groups, there are various other tests as well which will declare if you are an eligible donor." His explainations weren't going in my head. I was thinking only about Theo.

"Okay, I get it. What if I donate my heart but still have a heart?"

Oh my god! Yes! Light bulb.

"What?" Dr. Phil was unclear about what was in my head.

"I mean what if we swap hearts? Swap my and Theo's heart. Now, that won't be wrong. I'll take whatever the tests you are saying and if I'm eligible then we can do this swapping thing." I cleared his doubt.

"Swap your hearts! Are you insane? Do you even realise what you're talking about? It isn't necessary that if you become an eligible donor and get your heart swapped with the patient, it would work the same way for you, as well. Your body can reject his heart and that could lead to serious problems and even death."

Death. That wasn't something I was afraid of!

"I don't care about my body rejecting his heart or whatever. I am sure you'll be having a solution to that problem as well."

"Look, I don't think we'll get permissions for this. This is a complete absurd point. I don't know from where did you get this idea or who asked you to do so." He was annoyed, and I didn't even knew why.

"His heart is a failing heart. And, with all those injuries it's becoming even more difficult for his heart to pump the blood. Plus point, we are not even ready with a donor. But if I take his heart, there will be a problem and that would be similar to Theo's before case. My body will have to deal only with the heart not pumping my blood as efficiently as it used to but it could be treated and will also have no other pressures on it from my healthy body." I tried explaining him with my basic knowledge about anything medical. And, he did get my point. He knew my point was right.

"Okay, I'll discuss about it with the other doctors involved in this case and if everyone approves we'll try this way. But I am warning you this could become the matter of your life and death. You are not understanding the consequences."

"I don't even want to. I have nothing to loose other than Theo. And, it's request if you don't tell about this conversation to anyone. Also, if it get's an approval, I'd prefer staying as an annonymous donor. Please, you have to save him."

"Yes, he have to but not at the cost of your life." I turned around to find Samantha standing at the door. My face soon turned pale. Did she heard everything?

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