Haha We're Missing

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"Stupid birds go away" I whined. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. "Holy shit, its 2:30?" 'I never sleep this late! Oh, yes I do. Where is Harry?' I got up and went to the zipper on the tent. I walked out and saw a bunch of trees and proof that there was a fire last night. There were ashes in the pit and small sticks mixed in with them. There was eveything but Harry.

I sat down on a log and made a fire. I looked around and found a bag. I opened it and saw some of Harrys clothes. I reached in and pulled out a shirt and jeans, went into the tent and put them on. The jeans were too big and fell back down to the ground. I looked down and noticed that the T shirt went down to just above my knees and walked out, I sat by the fire and slowly drifted back to sleep.

I woke up to a rustling noise and quickly sat up, looking around. I saw the tent was open and the noise was coming from there. I grabbed a stick off the ground and slowly walked over to the tent. I peeled the flap back and saw Harry standing in the corner, scrolling through his phone. His head jerked up when he saw me. He smiled, "Morning," He put his phone in his pocket and walked over and wrapped his arms around me. I wrapped mine around his waist and looked up at him. "Where'd you go?" I asked. He rested his chin on my head and I snuggled mine into his chest. "I went to go check the car, but I have some kinda bad news," His voice sounded nervous, worried even. "What?" I pulled away and looked up at him. He scratched his head and looked scared to tell me. "Well, when I went to where I thought the car was, it um.... wasn't there, " He looked back up at me. I blinked a couple times, taking in what he just said. I didnt know what to say so I grabbed his hand and looked up his eyes. I just realized his were almost the same color as mine. I smiled and felt a sudden burst of random courage. I stood up on my tip-toes and kissed his cheek. "It's fine, we'll find it eventually,"  

Harry chuckled and looked down, "You look good in my shirt babe,"  

I felt my cheeks get hot and I grabbed my jeans from yesterday and slid them on. Harry groaned. I laughed and pulled him outside.

*Peyton's P.O.V.*

I woke up with my head resting on Niall's stomach and I sat up. Ashley was no ehere to be found. 'Maybe she went to the bathroom or something,' I thought. I hit Niall in the stomach and he jumped up quickly. "Morning sunshine!" I laughed. He stuck his tongue out at me and I shook my head, "Hey, I was gonna make you breakfast but with that attitude I'm starting to reconsider it," I stood up and crossed my arms.

"Aw, I'm sorry! I didnt mean it!" I laughed and shook my head. I looked at him for a minute and then bolted downstairs to the kitchen. I got three bowls out from the cabinet and noticed one was cracked open. I opened it and saw a bunch of high priced liquor. I shrugged and shut it. I got the oatmeal out of another cabinet and opened four packets. Two for me and two for Niall. I heard a knock on the front door.

"Come in!" I yelled as I threw the now empty packets away in the trash. I looked over and saw Louis walk in, followed by Liam. They both had worried looks on their faces. "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked. At that moment Niall ran down the steps. "Where's Ashley?" He asked, sitting at the table. "She's not in the bathroom or anything, I already looked," He started eating his oatmeal. "Harry's not at home either," Liam told me. I got worried and ran upstairs into Ashley's room. I opened the door and noticed the window was open. I ran over to it and looked out. There was liquor on the roof. I felt the guys behind me and Louis started yelling. "My drinks! They drank my drinks!" I elbowed him and turned to Liam, "Can you make sure they didn't fall off of the roof?" I asked, pretty sure that's not what happened, but I went with it. He nodded and ran off. I started pacing in the room as Louis kept yelling.  

"Louis! I love ya mate, but shut the hell up!" Niall grabbed onto his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. I just felt like crying. My best friend was gone, and was probably drunk when she left. I ran my hand through my hair and sat down on the bed. I felt Louis arms around me and I rested my head in his chest. "We should go look for them," Niall walked out of the room. I nodded and got up. Liam was on the phone.  

"'Come over to Niall's," He paused. "I'll tell you when you get here!" He hung up and looked up at us, "Zayn's on his way here,"  

Louis nodded and we all walked outside. Niall was sitting in his car, tapping on the steering wheel nervously. "I'll wait here for Zayn. We'll take his car. Louis, you and Peyton go look for them in your car,"  

Louis and I both practically ran to his car. I got in and Louis pulled out of the driveway. "Where to first?" I asked.  

Louis sighed, "I honestly have no clue,"

About an hour of riding around town, Louis took a sharp u-turn. "Louis! What're you doing?!" I yelled. 

"I think I know where they are! Call the lads and tell them to meet us at Lee Valley. The campsite," Louis took another turn.  

I got my phone out and dialed Niall'a number, "We'll slow down before we die or you get a ticket! Oh Niall, meet us at Lee Valley Campsite. Louis thinks they're there," I told him.  

"Ok, are you going to call Liam and Zayn?" Niall asked. 

"Of course, talk to you in a a couple minutes," I hung up and then dialed Liam's number. On the last ring, he answered, "Liam, meet us at Lee Valley Campsite, Louis thinks Harry and Ashley are there," I told him.  

"Of course they would be! Why didn't we think of this earlier?" Liam spoke. 

"Um, what?" I was a little confused. 

"Harry used to go to that campsite when he was a kid, it was like, a tradition for him and his family,"  

"Oh ok. Well, talk to you in a couple minutes," I hung up and turned to Louis. "How long does it take to get there?" I asked.  

Louis pointed to my right and I looked. There was a sign that said "Lee Valley Campground and Caravan Parking". I nodded and he pulled in. 

We got out. The guys were already there, parked beside Harry's car. "Well, Harry's here," Zayn motioned to the car, "We were pretty close, so it only took us a couple minutes," He told us and we started following Liam somewhere.  

"Do we know where we're going?" I asked, looking around.  

Liam nodded, "We're going to Harry's spot,"  

He said it like anyone with a brain would know what Harry's spot was. Or where it was for that matter. We entered the forest that was outlining the campsite. "Are we even supposed to go through here?" I asked, stepping over a root.  

Louis shrugged, "Who knows. We've done it a million times before so I guess,"  

We walked for a couple more minutes before coming into a small clearing, where a tent with a little campfire sat. And sitting on the log was Ashley and Harry. "Ashley!" I ran over to her. She jumped up and hugged me tightly. "Don't you ever just leave me like that!" We pulled away. 

"My turn!" Niall ran over and picked Ashley up, hugging her. She laughed and hugged him back. "Don't ever run off with Harry! He'll get you lost," Niall smiled, putting Ashley down.  

She smiled and Louis walked over to her, "Now, about my drinks-" 

"She didn't know they were your secret stash Louis, calm down," Harry said, pulling away from the hug him and Liam were in.  

"But I can't be mad at you Harry!" Louis whined, hugging him. 

We all laughed and I linked my arm with Ashley's, "To Nandos?"  

"To Nandos!" Everyone shouted.

We all walked back to the cars and Harry turned to Ashley, "Found it!" She laughed and we all gave them questioning looks. They just got in Harry's car, so we got in ours, ignoring that.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

I got in my car and followed the guys out of Lee Valley. I was about to turn up the radio when my phone rang. I picked it up and heard the lads and I's tour manager. "Niall, you guys are touring with Ed again next week in the U.S.! Be ready," He told me, hanging up. 'Well that was rude,' I thought, 'Wait, we're touring again? In the U.S.? That means we'll have to leave the girls alone...I'll tell the lads tonight when the girls aren't around,' I pushed the thought back in my head and kept driving.

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