Letting It Out

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A/N: Hey guys! So.... I'm back! My wifi was out for the last week and I've been going crazy. It's horrible without Internet... Anywhore! I'm back, and I've missed you guys soooooo much!



*Ashley's P.O.V*

I woke up to guys yelling at each other in the room beside me. "Oh god why...?" I mumbled into my pillow as the door opened.

"Sorry for the loud noises, the lads won't shut up. Breakfast is ready, you want to come eat?" I heard Niall ask me.

"I'll be out in a minute," I answered.

He left and I got up and changed into light pink skinny jeans, a white, Ed Sheeran tank-top, my black converse, and a black beanie. I walked over to the window on the far side of the room and opened it, feeling the temperature outside. It was a little cold, but I'm probably not going anywhere anyways. I walked out and down to the kitchen.

"Hey Nialler. What's for breakfast?" I jumped up on the counter and watched as he put food on a plate.

"Omelettes!" He smiled, handing me the plate.

"Yay! Thank ya!" I kicked my feet and ate my omelette. "By the way, do you know where Peyton is?"

"Louis told me they were going on a date," He replied.

"But we were supposed to hang out here today!" I groaned, omelette flying out of my mouth.

"Okay, one, manners my love! And two, you wanna go to the mall with me and the lads? It'll give you something to do," He suggested.

I shrugged and put my plate in the sink, "Let me go get my jacket,"

I ran upstairs and into my room, slipped on my black leather jacket, and went back downstairs to see Niall talk to Harry.

"You ready?" I asked Niall, walking over to him.

He nodded, "Harry's the only one coming. Liam's going out with Danielle and Zayn with Perrie,"

"Wow, is it like, a 'go on a date day' or something?" I mumbled as we walked out the door.

Niall laughed and I sat up front while Niall drove and Harry sat in the back.

The whole ride there I ignored Harry the best I could, just like I did the other guys. But Niall was different, he's cool in my book.

When we got to the mall, we hopped out and raced inside. "I win!" I threw my arms in the air and did a happy dance. Harry laughed and shook his head.


After dragging Niall into almost every store, and trying on the weirdest clothes, we met Harry in the food court. Luckily, not that many girls had ran up to them. Yet. I shook the thought away and looked at Niall.

"I'm hungry! We need food in our tummies!" I yelled, rubbing my stomach.

Niall laughed and looked at me. "To Nando's!" He grabbed Harry and I'a hand and dragged us out of the mall and into the car.


After we ate and stopped playing around, it was already 9PM. Harry offered to drive sense Niall looked like he was about to pass out.

I jumped into the passenger seat as the guys got in. Harry started the car and turned the radio on, but turned the volume low. A little while later, you could hear him lightly snoring.

"I know you don't like me, but just don't hurt him," Harry broke the silence.

I looked over at him confused, "What?" I mumbled, half-way asleep.

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