Off to London

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-Saturday Morning-

*Peyton's P.O.V*

I woke to Mom shaking me and my cat Larry laying on my stomach. "What?" I groaned, rolling over onto my stomach, causing Larry to meow and jump off me.

"You have to get up, we're leaving in thirty minutes," Mom walked out and Larry followed her.

"Ashley!" I yelled, throwing my pillow at her. She jumped out of her black sleeping bag with her red hair all in her pale face.

"What?! What's wrong?!" She looked around the room panicked. I laughed and stood up, walking to my closet.

"We're leaving in thirty minutes," I pulled out my light blue, ripped skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with thin red a stripes like Louis'. I ran to the bathroom and changed. I let my natural brown, curly hair fall down out of the bun in was in. I ran a brush through it quickly and did my makeup.

When I came back, Ashley had already gotten ready and was wearing a blue, V-neck t-shirt, grey skinny jeans, and blue vans. Her red hair was in a ponytail again but was curled and her fingernails were their normal black color, and were contrasting with her pale skin. She always kept them black because she says black goes with everything.

"You ready?" I asked her, grabbing my suitcases. She nodded and grabbed hers too, following me out of my room and downstairs into Mom's mini van. We climbed in the back, sitting our bags in the trunk. Larry jumped on my lap and laid down. I started to pet him when I looked over and poked Ashley. She jumps and pokes me back, leaning up against her car door, out of my reach.

"You got lucky!" I laughed, looking out the window. She laughed also and put her headphones in, closing her eyes, falling asleep. I leaned up against the window and drifted off to sleep as well.


Ashley and I woke up before we got to the airport, so we spent about twenty minutes dancing and singing in out seats to Ed Sheeran and Rihanna. I screamed when 'What Makes You Beautiful' came on the radio. Ashley just shook her head and laughed at my ridiculous dancing.

When we finally got to the airport, it took us forever to actually get on the plane. We found our seats and sat down. Ashley and I sat beside each other while my parents were on the other side of the plane. Ashley handed me a headphone and I put it in my right ear, like we used to do in middle school. She played two of her favorite songs, "Like A Boss" by Lonely Island and "Ironic" by Bo Burnham. We laughed at it for the millionth time. Those songs never seemed to get old.

"Hey, look out the window! It's so pretty..." Ashley leaned back for me to see. The night sky was gorgeous and clear. The stars and moon were shining bright and the clouds were below us.

"Wow..." We both said at the same time. We looked at each other and giggled. That's another thing me and her have done since middle school, we would always say the same thing at the same time or we would finish each others sentences. Our parents and most of our friends thought it was creepy, but we just laughed.

It was about ten o'clock already, and Ashley was asleep on my shoulder. I got out my iPod and started playing Whale Trails. Ashley's the one who got me into it. It's a game where you have to fly a whale through storm clouds and collect bubbles and stars. Ashley also told me her friend Audrey told her that her brother said the game was made by a guy on acid. 'Wonderful', I thought, 'I'm playing a game made by a druggie..' I laughed a little at the thought and finally put my iPod away after a couple games and fell asleep.


I woke up to Ashley shaking me and people walking off the plane. I yawned and got up, filing off the plane with everybody else, Ashley following behind.

Once we were out of the airport, we caught a cab. "So where's the house again?" I asked Mom.

"It's in the country, but pretty close to the city," She replied. I nodded and imagined what it would be like. My parents had money, we weren't rich, but pretty closet to it. That's one of the reasons Ashley got to come with us, because we could buy a house big enough for us all.

It seemed like we drove for forever until the cab driver pulled up to a house with hedges and a gate in the front. He pulled into the driveway and let Dad get out. He walked over to the keypad and typed something in, and the gate opened. Dad got back in and the cab driver drove up a long, cement driveway and pulled up to a pretty big beige house. The driver parked in front of the garage on the right side of the house. Dad paid him and we got our bags out of the trunk and he drive off.

"This house is beautiful!" Ashley said, grabbing her bags and walking up to the door. Dad came up and opened it for us, then went back to help Mom with the other stuff. We walked in and it was amazing. To the right was the kitchen and dining room, with granite counters and a big wooden table. To the left was the living room, with two couches, a chair, and a fireplace with a flat screen hanging above it, and a desk with a computer in the corner. When you first walk in, there's steps that lead up to five rooms, the bathroom, three bedrooms, and an extra room.

Ashley and I walked up the steps to look in the rooms. "I call this one!" I yelled, opening a door to a big, open room with a window looking out at the road.

"That's fine 'cause I get this one!" Ashley yelled from across the hall. I looked into her room and she had a room with a big window looking out at the big backyard that stretched as far as the eye could see with a view of a pond. I slapped her arm and she laughed and stuck her tongue out at me. I laughed also and shook my head.

"Time to unpack!" I said, faking enthusiasm. Ashley laughed again and shook her head too. I walked back into my room and started unpacking the box that held the stuff for my bedroom. I pulled out my lilac purple striped bed sheets, blanket and matching pillow cases and started making my bed. My room was painted a light, lime green color and I hung up all my One Direction posters, almost covering one of the walls. I put my purple curtains over my window and put all my clothes away.

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