The Date

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*Peytons POV*

After Louis and I finished unpacking my stuff, I went to check on Ashley. When I walked in, she was asleep so I turned off the light and left for the kitchen. When I walked in, Louis was there. I ran up to him, "Give me a minute to go fix my hair then we will leave!" I said to him. He was taking me on a date.

"You remembered that I thought you sleepily said that?" He asked/stated.

"You thought wrong!" I said as I ran up the stairs to his room. I straightened my hair, then curled the red tips (I have red streaks in my hair if I didn't mention that already.) I then looked over my outfit and ran down to Louis. I grabbed his hand as I was running past and pulled him out the door. We got in and he started the car and the radio came on. We looked at each other then burst out singing, "They see me rollin'!! They hatin'!!!!"

Once the car stopped he looked me in the eyes and we stayed like that for awhile. "You look beautiful!" He finally said and I laughed and looked down at my hands that were in my lap, blushing like crazy.

"So where we goin?" I asked, anxiously looking out the window.

"It's a surprise!" He laughed.

"No it can't be!" I said as I fake cried into his shoulder he just laughed again and I frowned in fake disapointment.

After sitting a while in silence between us (it was only five minutes but really seamed like hours) I got bored. Idea! Its not safe, but it sounds fun, I'm gonna try it. Yep here I go. I slowly reached over for the door handle and pulled it and rolled out of the car. Oh my god that was fun! But now my head hurts and I have to explain to Louis why I just did that. I got up and saw Louis running toward me with a worried look on his face. Oops, what did I do, to make this funny... come on Peyton think. Then I ran up to Louis and hugged him. He stood there shocked for a moment then hugged me back.

"Sorry if I broke your car Lou." He laughed and he put on his serious face. Crap my humor didn't help um....

"If you broke my ferrari I guess I can't take you to the date now can I?" He asked I shook my head 'no'.

"I'm sorry but its in my DNA" I said He smiled. Then at the same time we both said "Little Mix" then we laughed again. Wow we are weird. We walked over and got in the car. I took a look around the car for the first time and noticed the fuzzy seats. 'How the hell did I not notice those' I mumbled. That's when I saw it it was a mini fridge in the shape and color of a carrot. I reached back and opened it and what I saw inside shocked me.

"Why do you have a picture of us at the store in your fridge?" I asked him and he tensed up.

"Well I thought I would never see you again so I got the tape and got the pic off of it." He said trying to act natural. I looked back at the fridge and saw some carrots and grabbed one and started eating it. I forgot about the pic and kept eating my carrot. A few minutes later I fell asleep leaned against the window.

"Hey love we're here." I heard Louis say while he was lightly shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw that we were in an amusment park area. The place was empty of people but the park was still running. Louis must have seen my confusion "I rented the place out for the rest of the night so there won't be any long lines." He said to me.

AN: hey guys it me again and I got bored so I wrote this mwahaha. Yeah Ashley will write the next chapter and she shall call it skwshy. yea I have no idea how to spell that so just sound it its from nemo dory says it any way I was kiding lol bye ily guys

p.s. Sorry Ashleys wifi broke so she wil update when its fixed;(

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