Chapter 28

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Lexi's P.O.V

I skipped down the hallway next to Blade.

He was still worried I'd fall from skipping but he couldn't stop me so he just stayed super close.

He held the door open for me and I started to walk out but I tripped on something and started to fall.

He wrapped his arms around me pulling me up and just carrying me to the car.

"I can walk you know" I pouted crossing my arms.

"You obviously can't or you wouldn't have tripped on air" he said holding me tighter.

"I didn't trip on air I tripped on the door frame" I said holding his neck as the elevator dropped down to the parking garage.

"Yep and you aren't scared of the elevator going down" he smirked knowing that would shut me up.

"Just because I don't like the feeling doesn't mean I tripped on air" I said holding him tighter as it stopped.

He snickered knowing he won.

He carried me to the car and placed me gently laying down in the back seat my head proped up on his knees.

Axel started to drive while Morgan and Blade watched me to make sure I was fine.

We stopped by a McDonald's and grabbed food they got me french fries because that's all I could eat from here.

Blade fed me fries and pet my head making me stay laying down.

We pulled into Blade's driveway and I went to get out only to be picked up and carried in to the house.

"I'm back" I yelled getting set down by Blade.

Petunia ran around the corner and tackled me hugging me tighlty.

"I missed you Lexi" she squealed as I hugged her back.

"I missed you too Petunia but I'm a little weak so you gotta be gentle ok" I said smiling.

"Oh right sorry I probably hurt you when I tackled you huh" she said getting off of me and sitting in front of me.

"Not really Petunia you're just excited I understand if you forgot it'd hurt" I said sitting up.

"Ok Lexi will you stay here a while though" she said staring at me on her hands and knees.

"Of course Petunia I'll stay here awhile I was thinking till school starts again in a week if that's ok with Blade" I said looking up at him.

He picked me up by my waist pulling me into his chest hugging me kissing me and then saying

"Of course you can stay" he smiled afterwards making me melt and let him carry me to the living room.

He set me down on the floor and I played dolls with Petunia.

When we were done with dinner I helped clean up with Blade.

We finished cleaning but everyone was asleep by the time we did.

Blade wrapped his arms around me as I slipped on some water making me melt into his arms.

"Blade where am I going to sleep?" I asked holding onto him so I didn't fall.

"My bedroom I have I bunk bed remember" he said pulling me up and kissing me.

"Oh right" I said sorta swinging in his arms.

He carried me to his room setting me up on the top bunk.

"Isn't it a little dangerous up here?" I questioned smirking jokingly.

"Well you got the rails I think you'll survive a night on the top Lexi" he jokingly replied covering me with the blanket and getting in his own bed.

"Blade? I was wondering what are we going to do after this year?" I questioned yawning from my tiredness.

"We'll see when we get there Lexi now go to sleep" he said turning off the light.

I lay there drifting off to sleep thinking about our future.

What will we do now that our adventure is over?

We're dating now it's changed so much since I moved back in with my grandma.

I drifted off to sleep finally.

The world was different now and it's all because of that old man.

I will say this thanks old man for shrinking me and getting me my boyfriend because of it.


A/N Hi guys I can't believe it's over for this book but don't worry I'm making the sequel soon hope you all enjoyed see you guys in the next book

Bye for now


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